What you'll need

    • Permission to create direct credit payments
    • Permission to import files
    • The payment file you'd like to import

Create a payment file

  • You can create a payment file in a text document (.ABA) by following the CommBiz direct entry file specification requirements. Call 13 2339 for a copy of the most recent version.

Create payment file from accounting software

Most payroll and accounting software programs can create EFT payments in the appropriate file formats. For direct entry, the ABA text file can be imported into CommBiz to remove manual payment creation which is time consuming and can lead to payment error.

To create a ABA text file from your accounting software, there are multiple file specification requirements that you will need to establish in your payroll/accounting software (e.g. MYOB, Attache Quicken, SAP etc).

Note: For privacy of payment data (e.g. payroll), it's recommended payment files are stored on a secured network directory with restricted access.


Bank Name/Code
Ensure your CBA BSB and Account Number are entered
Direct Entry/APCA ID
Balancing Entry
Character Set
Must be standard ASCII character set (ie Windows/DOS format with CR/LF)
File Format
Must comply with APCA file specifications for ABA files (available from CBA on request)

How to create a file import payment

  • Import a payment file


    1. Log on to CommBiz, then select File Transfer
    2. Select Direct Entry from the dropdown, then select Browse to find the payment, then Open

      Note: There are a number of file types you can import. This guide only covers importing Direct Entry (EFT) files, which are aligned to the Direct Credit file specifications. You can also import IMT, Priority Payment, non-CBA payment files, BPAY files and CommBiz address book files.
    3. Check the box next to Set File as Modifiable, so you can remove any payees from the file later

      Note: Our security feature NameCheck will only work on payment files with up to 50 payees

      Note: If you'd like to process the file via the Government Direct Entry System (available only to Government agencies), select the checkbox beside GDES
    4. To restrict access to the payment, select a transaction purpose or leave as None
    5. Select Import file
    6. Select the file you'd like to confirm, then Confirm
    7. The Submit page will display. Select the file, then Submit 
    8. Review the details then Submit. Select Confirm.
  • Authorise & release payments

    To authorise the payment, you'll need to be an Authoriser of the debit account. Contact your Administrator if you're unable to authorise payments.

    • Select Payables, then Authorisations Required
    • Select the transaction, then Authorise

      Note: Find the transaction you'd like to authorise from the list. To review the details, select the Transaction ID
    • On the Confirm Authorisations Required screen, enter your details, then Authorise. The payment status will be Processed. If additional authorisers are required, the payment status will be Partially Authorised, which means the payment is waiting for authorisation.
  • Reject a payment

    To reject the payment, you'll need to be an Authoriser of the debit account. 

    • Select Payables, then Authorisations Required
    • Select the transaction, then Reject
    • You can enter a reason for the rejection in the Additional Comments field 
    • Select Confirm. The payment status will be Rejected.

Reduce false-billing scams

NameCheck is a CommBank security feature designed to reduce false-billing scams and mistaken payments.

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