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You can create a payment file in a text document (.ABA) by following the CommBiz direct entry file specification requirements. Call 13 2339 for a copy of the most recent version.
Most payroll and accounting software programs can create EFT payments in the appropriate file formats. For direct entry, the ABA text file can be imported into CommBiz to remove manual payment creation which is time consuming and can lead to payment error.
To create a ABA text file from your accounting software, there are multiple file specification requirements that you will need to establish in your payroll/accounting software (e.g. MYOB, Attache Quicken, SAP etc).
Note: For privacy of payment data (e.g. payroll), it's recommended payment files are stored on a secured network directory with restricted access.
Import a payment file
Authorise & release payments
To authorise the payment, you'll need to be an Authoriser of the debit account. Contact your Administrator if you're unable to authorise payments.
Reject a payment
To reject the payment, you'll need to be an Authoriser of the debit account.
NameCheck is a CommBank security feature designed to reduce false-billing scams and mistaken payments.
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