What you'll need

    • ISO 20022 enabled for your CommBiz service. If it's not, your Relationship Manager can help.
    • Permission to import files
    • The payment file you'd like to import


  • This guide covers payment creation by importing ISO 20022 Payment Files (PAI N.001.001.03 & PAIN.008.001.02). However, you can also import into CommBiz for payment types such as: Direct Entry (EFT) files, International Payments (also known as IMT’s), Priority Payment, Non-CBA Payment files, BPAY files, NZ Payment Files, and address book files.

    If the Import Files screen doesn't appear and you don't have an Import Files option on the left-hand menu, contact your Administrator.


  • ISO 20022 files should be in .xml format and, if compressed, in .zip or .gz format. If the ISO 20022 file is a .zip file, it should not be password protected or contain any folders. It must only contain .xml ISO 20022 files.

Create a payment from a ISO 20022 file

  • Import a payment file

    1. Log on to CommBiz, then select File Transfer
    2. Select the ISO 20022 file type, Browse to find the relevant ISO 20022 file, then Open

      Note: By selecting the file type ISO 20022 Payment Files, the Set File as Modifiable, GDES, and Bureau or E-lockbox file tickboxes will disable.
    3. To restrict access to the payment, select a transaction purpose or leave as None
    4. Select Import file
    5. Select the file you'd like to confirm, then Confirm
    6. The Submit page will display. Select the file, then Submit 
    7. Review the details then Submit. Select Confirm.
  • Authorise & release payments

    To authorise the payment, you'll need to be an Authoriser of the debit account. Contact your Administrator if you're unable to authorise payments.

    • Select Payables, then Authorisations Required
    • Select the transaction, then Authorise

      Note: Find the transaction you'd like to authorise from the list. To review the details, select the Transaction ID
    • On the Confirm Authorisations Required screen, enter your details, then Authorise. The payment status will be Processed. If additional authorisers are required, the payment status will be Partially Authorised, which means the payment is waiting for authorisation.
  • Reject a transaction

    To reject the payment, you'll need to be an Authoriser of the debit account. 

    • Select Payables, then Authorisations Required
    • Select the transaction, then Reject
    • You can enter a reason for the rejection in the Additional Comments field 
    • Select Confirm. The payment status will be Rejected.