1. Account match
The details look right based on the names we've seen used for the account.
This market-first feature is designed to improve confidence that you're paying a legitimate person or business. When you're making a domestic payment to an Australian bank account, NameCheck will review the account details you enter against our payment data. It then indicates the likelihood that the name and details match.
The details look right based on the names we've seen used for the account.
• We haven't seen anyone else use a name similar to the one you entered
• A name that doesn't match can be a sign of a scam - speak to the payee to check it's really them requesting the payment
• There could be a typo - check the BSB and account number
• An uncommon account name can be a sign of a scam - speak to the payee to check it's really them requesting the payment
• There could be a typo - check the BSB and account number
• The account could be new, or one that doesn't get many payments - continue if you're sure it's safe
• Scammers sometimes use new accounts to avoid detection - speak to the payee to check it's really them requesting the payment
• There could be a typo - check the BSB and account number
• The account could be new and we haven't seen it used yet - continue if you're sure it's safe
• Scammers sometimes use new accounts to avoid detection - speak to the payee to check it's really them requesting the payment
You'll see NameCheck on the confirmation screen of the following payment types.
NameCheck will only work on payment files with up to 50 payees.
Modifiable files allow you to remove certain payments if you’re not sure it’s safe to continue. For non-modifiable files, you’ll need to import a new file with those payments already removed.
Payment scams involve emails sent to you or your business with a request to make payments to a new account. This new account may be under a scammer's control, and your money could be lost. Consider calling the sender of the email using a verified phone number before deciding whether to confirm the payment.
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