What you'll need

  • A submitted online CommBiz registration or maintenance request
  • Paperwork generated from your CommBiz request
  • Up-to-date business details with CommBank, such as the signatures we have on file 
  • Correct details recorded with relevant business registries, such as ASIC

What is the CommBiz Account Authority form? 

Completing the CommBiz Account Authority form

The form is made up of three sections.

This section outlines the rules for authorising payments, like how many authorisers are needed to process payments. It also details:

  • Service ID: the CommBiz service you’re registering or making changes to
  • Application ID: the application number or maintenance request number for your request
  • Name of account: the account name you gave when submitting the registration or maintenance request
  • Account number: the BSB and account numbers you’re adding or updating 
  • Monetary band: the payment ranges and how many authorisers are needed for each range (if applicable)

If you're adding the accounts as view only (non-transactable), the monetary bands and authorisation rules table will show a ‘View Only’ watermark.

You only need to review this section - you don't need to complete or sign it. If any of the details are incorrect, you'll need to cancel your existing CommBiz request and submit a new request to generate a new CommBiz Account Authority form.

This section lists all the users you want to add or remove as authorisers on the accounts listed in Part A.

Some users won't need to sign the form. This includes:

  • Users who are already authorisers on the accounts listed in Part A
  • Identified users who are being appointed as authorisers

If the user hasn’t been identified in CommBiz, they’ll need to provide additional information depending on who they bank with:

  • CommBank – users can provide their CommBank BSB and account number in the reference account field (if not already provided), confirm their details are correct and sign in the signature field
  • A different bank – users need to confirm their details are correct, sign in the signature field and complete the Certified Copies Identification form

If you’re removing authorisers from the accounts listed in Part A, the authorisers’ full name and date of birth will display under the heading “Authorisers to be removed”. They won’t need to sign the form.

This section includes the Declaration and Acknowledgement must be signed by the Directors or Authorised Officers of the accounts listed in Part A. By signing, they agree to:

  • Remove any listed authorisers or changing the EMOO
  • Allow the listed users to be able to authorise any electronic instructions on the account
  • Allow any other person authorised by an Administrator to have electronic access to the account when a new account is being added

Who's required to sign Part C?

Entity Structure of Account Owner
Person(s) authorised to sign declaration
  • 2 Directors or Director and Company Secretary; or
  • Sole Director
Incorporated Association
  • 2 Authorised Officers listed on the Minutes of Meeting held with the Bank.
Unincorporated Association
  • 2 Authorised Officers listed on your Minutes of Meeting held with the Bank.
Trust Account
  • 2 Trustees; or
  • Sole Trustee; or
  • Director and Secretary
Partnership and Joint
  • Two parties to sign
Sole Proprietor / Firm
  • Proprietor; or
  • Sole Director
  • Where accounts are jointly held by three (3) or more personal parties, a minimum of 3 parties are to sign
Government / Public Authority
  • Mayor; or
  • Chair person; or
  • President; or
  •  Vice President; or
  • Other Authorising Officer

How to sign forms

  • We're unable to accept DocuSign, digital, electronic or cropped signatures so you'll need to sign in full with a pen. Your signature must match your identification documents (e.g. driver licence). 

Where to send forms

After you’ve printed and signed the CommBiz Maintenance Request or CommBiz registration form, you can scan and email the forms to bankfeed@cba.com.au or post to:

Reply Paid 332
NSW 2128

If you’re overseas, you can still email us. However, if you're also required to submit an identification form, you'll need to send the original signed forms to:

PO Box 332
NSW 2128

To check the status of a Maintenance Request, your Administrator can log on to CommBiz, select Admin, then Maintenance Requests.

Once we've received your forms, we'll be in touch in 5 business days.

Download user guide

Important information

  • This guide is published solely for information purposes. As this guide has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consider its appropriateness to your circumstances and if necessary seek the appropriate financial advice before acting on information in this guide. Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 1234. Call 13 2221 or view our Terms and Conditions