What you'll need

    • To be an Administrator with a security token


There are two ways to nominate service delegates: digital or non-digital


If there are users on the service with sufficient authority (Directors, Company Secretary or Trustees, for example), follow the digital process outlined below.


If none of the users have sufficient authority, follow the non-digital process outlined below. Paperwork will be generated for your account owners to sign. To find out who needs to sign the Service Delegate Authority form (which auto-generates within CommBiz – we cannot provide a blank form), see How do I complete the Service Delegate Authority form?

Nominate a service delegate (digital)

    1. Log on to CommBiz. Select Admin, then Maintenance Requests
    2. On the Find Maintenance Request screen, select Service Delegate – Digital from the left menu

      − Choose how many Service Delegates are required to approve a Maintenance Request – one or two (this will be the minimum number of users you will need to select in the next step)

      − Choose any number of identified Users who you wish to set up as delegates (e.g. if you select 6 delegates and require 2 to approve maintenance requests, any 2 of those 6 delegates can approve). Select Next
    3. The Review entities screen shows which entities your Service Delegates will be enabled to authorise maintenance requests on behalf of. Select Next
    4. Choose Online Approvers who will be contacted to approve the Service Delegate request. Approval can be done through CommBiz inbox message, email or dashboard
    5. Note: Offline Approvers cannot be selected as approvers for this request. (If there aren’t enough digital approvers in the business/es to approve the request, you will need to complete the request using the paper-based process. Find it at Admin, then Maintenance Requests, then Service Delegates.) Select Next
    6. Review the Service Delegates and entities chosen. Cancel if changes are required or Submit to complete. Notifications will be sent to approvers. We’ll notify you by email and CommBiz inbox message when your requests have been approved. 
  • How to track your requests

    From the Admin tab, select Maintenance Requests then Service Delegate – Digital. Request in progress and Requests completed can be viewed.

Nominate a service delegate (non-digital)

    1. Log on to CommBiz. Select Admin, then Maintenance Requests
    2. On the Find Maintenance Request screen, select Service Delegate from the left menu
    3. A list of current Service Delegates will display. From the drop down list beneath Add a New Service Delegate, choose the identified user you want to add and select Add
    4. Define Authorisation Rule by selecting the number of Service Delegates (either 1 or 2) that will be required to electronically authorise Maintenance Requests. If you select Disabled from this list, the Service Delegate functionality will no longer be active and electronic authorisation of Maintenance Requests will revert to paper-based (requiring printing, signing and posting of forms)
    5. Select Confirm
    6. Print and sign the forms and ensure the appropriate people in your organisation also sign the forms before returning them to us. See How do I complete the Service Delegate Authority form?


  • Once nominated and confirmed, Service Delegates can create maintenance requests to:

    • Add new CommBank accounts
    • Authorise and set up Commercial Card Administrators
    • Authorise Enable Foreign Exchange requests
    • Add or change Electronic Account Authorities

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