What you'll need

What's a non-CBA payment request?

  • Non-CBA payment requests allow you to send payment instructions to any bank worldwide. You can also view account and transaction details from any bank in the world (as long as there's an agreement between CommBank and the other bank).

Create & authorise a non-CBA payment request

    1. Log on to CommBiz, go to Payments then Non CBA Payment Request. Complete the details and select Submit.

      Note: If you want to choose your own intermediary bank, select the box next to 'Specify Intermediary Banking details for this payment on the next screen'. Not selecting this box means the Bank's default intermediary bank will be used.
    2. Check the details on the Confirm Payment Request screen. If you need to make changes, select Modify. Otherwise, Confirm. The Transaction Advice screen will display, which means the transaction is waiting for authorisation.
    3. Once the payment request is confirmed, you'll see a list of Entitled Authorisers. If an Entitled Authoriser is available, they can select Enter authorisation, enter their log on ID, password and one-time password to authorise the payment. If you have permission to authorise the payment, you'll see an Authorise button. Select OK to authorise.

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