Patient perspectives

What's in the report?

The Patient Experience Insights Report is based on a survey of 1,127 Australians, tracking their preferences and expectations when visiting general practitioners, medical specialists, dentists and allied health professionals. It highlights obstacles Australians encounter and opportunities to enhance the patient experience.

Insights from patients

Insights from patients about their experiences can help inform operational planning and responses. We investigate:

  • Patient health status and satisfaction with the delivery of care
  • Healthcare spending and patient responses to cost of living pressures
  • Enablers of digital health and technology use among patients
  • Opportunities to help patients find, book and pay for appointments
  • Attitudes to the use of AI in healthcare

Improving patients' health journey

Demand for healthcare will increase if Australians continue to feel less healthy. However, many report challenges in finding, accessing and paying for suitable health services. Patients are responding by adjusting their behaviours which has implications for health outcomes. This presents opportunities for providers to empower their patients and teams.

"Australians want more control over their own health and have heightened expectations of their healthcare experience. Many still find the health system complex to navigate and support initiatives that enable more convenient and personalised care." Albert Naffah, CEO CommBank Health

Patient viewpoints

Accessibility and affordability challenges are prompting a range of patient behaviours. The report explores the tools and strategies that providers can use to adapt. 

Taking more control

39% of patients are adopting healthier lifestyles to reduce health consultations

Focus on convenience & payments

71% are encountering hurdles in finding providers with available appointments and paying for services

Switching providers

20% have switched health providers to find a more affordable alternative

Seeking cost transparency

65% have experienced a payment or claiming issue in the past 12 months

Seamless reimbursement

78% expect rebates and claims to be processed on-the-spot

Backing digital health

67% say technology used by provider improves their experience

Enabling accessible & user-friendly patient care

Some Australians find accessing health services more difficult than others, particularly Generation X and Baby Boomer patients and those located in regional Australia. Many also indicate a lack of understanding of how to navigate the health system. Barriers to access and a complex health journey can affect patient health management. Almost one in three patients are postponing appointments where wait times are too long and may switch providers in search of more suitable, affordable, and convenient care.

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Provider viewpoints

Kieser Australia

Learn how Kieser Australia combines science and health, and removes barriers to patient participation.

City Fertility

Learn how being digitally obsessed has helped City Fertility deliver a leading-edge experience catering to varied patient needs. 

Download the Patient Experience Insights Report

Previous reports

Dental Insights Report 2024

CommBank Health and the Australian Dental Association bring you our latest report. It examines the emerging trends facing dental practices and opportunities to improve operational and financial performance.

GP Insights Report 2023

The recovery in patient numbers following the pandemic has stepped up just as the cost and capacity to deliver care have come under pressure. We examine how practices are responding to adapt, grow, and provide sustainable care to patients.

CommBank Health & KPMG Report: Healthy Options

The latest perspectives of patients, providers, and private health insurers to understand the impacts and efficiency opportunities across the healthcare system.

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Things you should know

  • About CommBank Patient Experience Insights Report

    The inaugural edition of CommBank Patient Experience Insights focuses on the experiences and preferences of Australians when engaging with the healthcare system. The insights are derived from an online quantitative survey of 1,127 respondents completed in October 2023 and conducted by Fifth Quadrant on behalf of the Commonwealth Bank. 

    All respondents consulted with at least one of either a general practitioner (90%), dentist (62%), medical specialist (56%), or allied health provider (42%) in the past 12 months. 

    The report has been published for general information purposes only. As this information has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should, before acting on this information, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances, if necessary, seek professional advice. The Bank believes that the information in the report is correct and any opinions, conclusions or recommendations are reasonably held or made, based on the information available at the time of its compilation, but no representation or warranty, either expressed or implied, is made or provided as to accuracy, reliability or completeness of any statement made in the report. Any projections and forecasts are based on a number of assumptions and estimates and are subject to contingencies and uncertainties. Different assumptions and estimates could result in materially different results. All analysis and views of future market conditions are solely those of the Commonwealth Bank.

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