What's the right business structure for you?

When you’re starting a business, you’ll need to consider which business structure is right for you. Your business structure will depend on your business and how you want to run it.

Here we outline the pros and cons for the four most common business structures in Australia.

Sole trader

This is the simplest business structure, where an individual is legally responsible for all aspects of the business. If you choose to start as a sole trader you'll typically make and be accountable for all the decisions, although you can hire people to help you make the best choices.

Key points

  • You can use your tax file number (TFN) to lodge tax returns
  • Any losses incurred by your business can be offset against other income earned
  • You'll need to pay yourself, usually out of a distribution of the business profits
  • You're responsible for your own superannuation


  • Simple and inexpensive to set up and run
  • Complete control
  • Little ongoing red tape or paperwork
  • No need to register a business name as you can use your own
  • Relatively easy to change your business structure if you want to expand or stop operating


  • Complete responsibility for the business' liabilities like debts or employee claims - your personal assets are at risk if things go wrong
  • Can be difficult to take time off
  • Can be harder to get finance, although existing eligible CommBank customers may be able to fast track their Business Overdraft application and get funds within minutes.1


A partnership means that a number of people (up to 20) are responsible for the running of the business. Decision making and financial investment are often shared, potentially lessening some of the workload and risk, but compromises may have to be made to keep all partners happy.

Key points

  • Made up of 2-20 partners
  • Requires a separate TFN
  • Each partner will pay tax on the share of the net partnership income they receive
  • Partners can offset their share of business losses against other income earned
  • Each partner is responsible for their own superannuation


  • Simple and inexpensive to run
  • Responsibility is shared
  • Can be easier to get finance as you have the resources of at least two people
  • Little ongoing red tape or paperwork


  • Each partner shares responsibility for the business' liabilities, regardless of how much of the partnership they own
  • There can be disagreements among partners when working so closely together


Unlike a sole trader or partnership structured businesses, a business with a company structure is a separate legal entity. This means it has its own legal rights, and personal liability is limited.

Key points

  • Is a separate legal entity
  • Money earned belongs to the company
  • Corporate tax rates apply; check the latest details on the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website
  • Business operations are controlled by directors and owned by shareholders


  • Reduced personal responsibility for any business debts and liabilities
  • Flexibility in distributing profits to shareholders
  • Dividends can come with franking credits – credits for the tax already paid by the company
  • Easy to pass on or sell ownership


  • More complex to start and run
  • More paperwork
  • Higher levels of compliance and setup costs


A trust is an organisation run by a trustee to benefit listed beneficiaries. The trustee can be either an individual or a company, and is responsible for any debts and liabilities.

Key points

  • Profits are distributed annually to beneficiaries who pay tax individually
  • Trusts typically do not pay tax, provided they distribute all the profits
  • Requires a formal trust deed that outlines how the trust will operate


  • Reduced personal responsibility for any business debts and liabilities if the trustee is a company
  • Flexibility in distributing profits to beneficiaries
  • Easy to pass on or sell ownership


  • More paperwork
  • Higher levels of compliance
  • Higher setup and ongoing costs
  • Limited lifespan (usually 99 years)

Other things to consider when starting a business

Before you set up a business, make sure you also understand your obligations when it comes to:

Ready to start your business?

Open a Business Transaction Account2, available with a $0 monthly account fee option.

Things you should know

  • 1 Credit provided by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. These products are only available to approved business customers and for business purposes only. A Business Overdraft cannot be used to refinance existing debt or purchase an asset. Applications for finance are subject to the Bank's eligibility and suitability criteria and normal credit approval processes. Fees, charges and Terms & Conditions apply. Full terms and conditions are available on application.

    You can view the Terms and Conditions for Business Transaction and Savings Accounts, our Financial Services Guide and the Electronic Banking Terms and Conditions and should consider them before making any decision about these products and services. The target market for these products can be found within the product’s Target Market Determination. Bank fees and charges may apply.

    This article is intended to provide general information of an educational nature only. It does not have regard to the financial situation or needs of any reader and must not be relied upon as financial product advice. Taxation considerations are general and based on present taxation laws and may be subject to change. You should seek independent, professional tax advice before making any decision based on this information. Commonwealth Bank is also not a registered tax (financial) adviser under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 and you should seek tax advice from a registered tax agent or a registered tax (financial) adviser if you intend to rely on this information to satisfy the liabilities or obligations or claim entitlements that arise, or could arise, under a taxation law.