How to prevent scams with Jessica Rowe

Jessica and Penelope Rowe share their close calls with scammers and why conversation is the best defence.

By Stephanie Nuzzo

Staying safe from scams starts with talking openly and learning from those we trust—and that’s something Jessica Rowe knows well. The author and journalist has picked up plenty of wisdom from her mum, Penelope, over the years.

It’s a bond that has come full circle—back in December 1977, Penelope wrote the cover story for Bank Notes, CommBank’s staff magazine at the time. Now, decades later, Jessica and Penelope are sharing their tips for staying safe, proving that good advice really does stand the test of time.

Share the knowledge

The earliest lessons Jessica received on finances came from Penelope. But the value of sharing knowledge across generations doesn’t end with childhood. It’s more important than ever that we return the favour and help keep older Australians informed on how to arm themselves against scams.

“Unfortunately, scammers are getting more clever,” says Jessica. “There are people out there who will prey on your goodness and, with the rise of technology, they now also prey on people’s lack of tech-savviness. It makes me really angry.”

Our best defence, says Jessica, is “conversations and connection” with the people closest to us. “My teenage daughters are all over technology so they’re good at sniffing out issues,” she says—and their knowledge has helped shield her and her mum from scams.

Not long ago, Jessica received an invitation to appear on an American celebrity’s podcast. “There were alarm bells—it sounded too good to be true.” She turned to her daughter Giselle for help and quickly had her answer. “She searched up ‘podcast scammers’ and there it was—the playbook of what these people were doing.”

Penelope and Jessica Rowe with their arms around each other. Jessica says her daughters' knowledge has helped shield her and mum Penelope from scams.

Speak up

Penelope has also had close calls that were circumvented by speaking up. “A text message came up with the name of a friend. It said, ‘Dear Pen’—people who know me well call me Pen—and the message said, ‘I have a friend who’s just been diagnosed with lung cancer and I want to buy her some Apple gift cards.’”

Penelope responded to the text, asking her friend when she needed these gift cards. In a series of curt replies she was asked to send a $500 card that day. “I thought, ‘This doesn’t sound like my friend.’ And then they said, ‘When you’ve bought it, please scratch off the security code on the back of the card, photograph it and send the photo.’” That’s when Penelope became sure something strange was going on. “I ended the conversation and went to see my friend.” That’s when she learnt that her friend’s phone had been hacked.

Penelope’s takeaway from that experience? “Always check things. And if you feel like you need help, ask.” Jessica agrees, adding: “Listen to the instinct that says, ‘This doesn’t feel quite right’ and talk to someone you trust.”

“We live in an increasingly fast-paced world but take a breath. Don’t click on things you don’t know. Don’t open attachments. Just wait. There’s no rush.” - Jessica Rowe

6 common scams to watch out for

  • The investment: High returns and low risk? It’s probably too good to be true. Australians lose more money to investment scams than any other as scammers often impersonate legitimate companies, speak the right language and have convincing marketing material on hand.
  • The romance: Scammers build believable profiles on social-media and dating apps and target people looking for companionship. Often, they’ll invest significant amounts of time into building up trust before presenting a “problem” and asking for money.
  • The threat: Extortion scams take many forms but the common thread is the use of fear tactics. Whether it’s claims of unpaid fines or scammers threatening to release private information online, they use intimidation to scare people into paying up.
  • The impersonation: Received an unusual text? Check it’s real. Scammers can use spoofed phone numbers and emails to impersonate trusted organisations. Always remember that the bank will never visit you at home to physically request your cards or cash.
  • The job offer: In a competitive job market, scammers seek to exploit Australians looking for work. They impersonate credible businesses and list well-paid positions on job boards to draw in candidates for roles that don’t actually exist. If a job advertises a high salary for minimal effort, question its legitimacy.
  • The prize: Unexpected prizes may be tempting but they can be costly. Scammers promise grand sums of money or lavish holiday packages then request personal details or money for fees and shipping costs. And that gift? It never arrives.

Scammers will often pressure you to do something quickly. Slow things down. Always remember to stop, check, reject if something seems off.


For more information on how to help protect your loved ones from scams, visit

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An earlier version of this article was published in Brighter magazine.

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