Brighter magazine

The May/ June issue of Brighter magazine is packed full of helpful advice and useful tips for everyday Australians and small business owners.

We chat to Georgie Tunny, the host of our new TV show called The Brighter Side, (watch it Saturdays at 6pm on Channel 10 or 10 Play). We look at how to set money boundaries with friends, talk to experts about the increase in tax-time scams and explore the rising cost of doing business.

Download May/June issue

How to avoid the latest tax scams at tax time

Scammers ramp up their efforts to exploit people around the end of the financial year. Here’s how they’ll try to slip under your radar this year.

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Tips, stories & inspiration


Meet the Clown Doctors: Spreading laughter and joy

Discover how Clown Doctors with Lou Pollard and Jimmy Rees bring laughter to sick children in hospitals. Learn about Humour Foundation’s mission to...
Brighter Magazine

How to grow and protect your business

How do you take risks and grow your business while also looking after your financial future? Personal finance expert Jess Irvine shares her top fiv...
Brighter Magazine

Strategies to generate positive cash flow

The rising cost of doing business makes running one tough. Discover effective strategies to address cash-flow challenges proactively.
Brighter Magazine

4 ways to maximise small business efficiency

From leveraging insights to embracing sustainability and investing in security tools, learn practical strategies for resilience and growth.
Brighter Magazine

Unlocking business success with Neil Perry and Andrew Griffiths

Unexpected challenges are part of running a business so we asked successful business owners for their top tips on building resilience.

How to discuss money with friends

Politics, religion and money used to be the three things good friends never discussed. We’re still skipping the first two but embracing the third.

10 ways to make your home more energy efficient

Save money and help the planet? Experts share steps you can take to reduce costs and your impact. True story.

Grow your savings with the no-spend challenge

There’s a reason why no-spend challenges are growing in popularity. They can rewire the way you approach spending and bulk up your savings, too.

Investing 101: How to get started

Buying shares can be overwhelming for a first-timer. Welcome to Investing 101. With a little know-how and as little as $50, you can join the market...

Europe on a budget: 6 affordable destinations

Travelling on a budget? Skip the crowds and save your pennies with our guide to 6 affordable destinations in Europe that offer a lot more for a lot...

How to avoid the latest tax scams

Scammers ramp up their efforts to exploit people around the end of the financial year. Here’s how they’ll try to slip under your radar this year.

Sustainable living with Erin Brockovich

Erin Brockovich, a renowned environmental activist, insists the most dramatic impact happens when we all make small changes at home.

How to keep your children safe from online scams

Scammers target children and teenagers through online gaming raids and phishing, to steal money. Learn how to protect children from these threats.

Driving sustainably: The easy, affordable shift to electric vehicles

Sydney writer, Bek Day dives into the world of electric vehicles – a budget-friendly choice and finds out why transitioning has become easier than ...

What's in the Brighter Magazine?

From money-saving tips, small business stories and clever ways to get ahead, discover the brighter side of banking with CommBank's new magazine.


Protect yourself from scams and fraud, discover digital tools that can help you spend wisely and hit your savings goals faster. Meet inspiring communities and familiar faces (including our branch members) from all over who share their money stories.


Right now, every little bit counts. Boost your money confidence and find new ways to reduce budget pressures, with tips from everyday Australians and insights from personal finance experts. Find spending hacks and learn the money moves that can help you get ahead.


From side hustle ideas to superannuation boosters and small business inspiration, we share the stories of people who have grown their wealth through hard work, clever innovation and the right support. Plus useful ways to future­ proof even the loftiest goals.


For many people, it’s the big dreams we save for the hardest. That’s what keeps us going, whether that’s a bucket-list holiday, renovating your home or changing your life with a bold move. Discover the ways people have been able to transform their lives and make their dreams a reality.

Things you should know

  • This page provides general information of an educational nature only. It does not have regard to the financial situation or needs of any reader and must not be relied upon as personal financial product advice. The views expressed by contributors are their own and don’t necessarily reflect the views of CBA. As the information has been provided without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should, before acting on this information, consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Terms and Conditions, and whether the product is appropriate to your circumstances. You should also consider whether seeking independent professional legal, tax and financial advice is necessary. Every effort has been taken to ensure the information is correct at the time of publication, but it may be subject to change. No part of the editorial contents may be reproduced or copied in any form without the prior permission and acknowledgement of CBA.