Develop your digital strategy
Small businesses are known for their creative problem solving and ability to adapt fast – their size makes them nimble. The flip side is that their size also leads to pressure points. That’s why small businesses stand to benefit most from finding their digital edge.
“It’s the simple things that often get overlooked, to the detriment of business operations,” says Saward, noting that a Business Transaction Account can help straightaway. “All the information needed to run, grow and make decisions for your business becomes available 24 hours a day.” Other quick wins can include reducing admin stress by managing corporate cards online and increasing the security, transparency and speed of transactions with 24-hour visibility.
“The data can give details on customer demographics and spending behaviour and much more – helping business owners derive insights that can lead to better decision making,” says Saward.
The key thing to consider is that true digital transformation describes the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business. “It should change how the business operates as well as deliver value to its customers,” she explains. “It’s also an internal cultural change that requires businesses to continually experiment, challenge the status quo and get comfortable with failure.” The reason it’s worth the risk is that the gains allow businesses to evolve and grow.
As for how a small business owner can know if they’re moving at pace – talk to fellow owners and find out. “With more than 2.5 million small businesses in Australia, it’s an entrepreneurial, dynamic and supportive community,” says Saward. Events like CommBank SmallBiz Week are perfect for business owners and employees to step away from the day-to-day and see what’s new, gauge their state of digital adoption and learn from other business owners’ successes and challenges.