After being forced to close along with most stores in the community, the branch had suffered considerable damage. There was no power, the roof needed urgent repairs and the ATM was down. All roads in and out of Ingham were closed, with essential tradespeople unable to access the branch.
Cinzia and Cheries worked tirelessly to get the Ingham branch operational, helping vulnerable customers who had no access to cash while the ATM remained out of order. Permission was granted to travel over the ADF-controlled temporary bridge, which allowed a contractor to repair the ATM so customers had essential access to cash.
“Our customers, along with other community members, were extremely grateful that we were able to get our ATM back up and operational. A lot of businesses could only make cash sales, and restoring access to cash meant the community could purchase items necessary to survive while our power, telecommunication providers and water supply were down,” Cinzia said.
As the rain raged on, the team faced further challenges when the temporary bridge was unexpectedly removed, and the remaining tradespeople were unable to get access to the branch.
“We urgently needed confirmation from a qualified builder that our building was safe for staff and customers to enter, so we extensively researched local contractors and possible access points to get builders and electricians to the branch via helicopter,” Cheries said.
“Cinzia volunteered herself to collect tradespeople from the other side of bridge, as our only staff member on the ground able to get through safely.”
By the time the branch was preparing to reopen, Ingham had spent over a week underwater. The town was facing a mammoth clean-up ahead, with many mourning destroyed homes, livelihoods, treasured possessions and some grieving for lost loved ones.
“Local community members in Townsville started up a community donation site to assist the Ingham community with essential supplies needed to assist with clean-up,” Cheries said.
“David Richards, our Townsville Branch Manager, and I sourced up to $5,000 worth of supplies for the Ingham community. Together we were able to source several trolley loads of supplies including linen, mould removal products, buckets, mops - the works.”