Retail shareholders will share in a pay-out of ~$4.2 billion from Commonwealth Bank’s latest profit result as the group’s final dividend starts dropping into investors’ bank accounts this Friday (27 September 2024).

Around $2 billion of the total final dividend to be distributed will go to retail investors. The remaining will be paid to shareholders with larger holdings, including major financial institutions such as domestic superannuation funds who hold CBA stock on behalf of an estimated 13 million Australians. 

CBA’s net profit after tax for the year was $9.8 billion, a reduction of two per cent on the FY23 result. Of this profit, a total of $7.8 billion has been allocated to dividends for our shareholders this financial year, up three per cent from FY23.

The average retail shareholder has earned approximately $3,618 per share in dividends related to FY24. The final dividend declared by the Board on the announcement of the FY24 annual result on 14 August 2024, to be paid to shareholders on the share register on 22 August 2024, accounts for ~$4.2 billion of the total dividend for the year.

In a video message inviting shareholders to attend CBA’s forthcoming annual general meeting in Adelaide next month, Paul O’Malley, chair of the board, said: “The combination of profitability and balance sheet strength supported us to determine a total dividend for the year of $4.65 a share, fully franked, three per cent higher than last year.

“In total, we are returning to shareholders $8 billion in dividends and buy-backs benefitting over 13 million Australians.”

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