Helen Lau, General Manager Engineering Delivery 

“The best part of my job is using technology to solve everyday problems within the bank, and knowing the real-life impact this can have on everyday Australians. To succeed in tech, having the right attitude goes a long way. Remember to see mistakes as a great learning opportunity! If you stay curious and remain open to new ideas, technologies and methodologies, this will help you go far. There’s a lot of positive change in the tech sector, with women taking on senior positions and graduating from tech degrees – I look forward to seeing more women working in tech very soon.” 

Victoria Ledda, Executive General Manager Retail Technology

"I believe that women shouldn’t feel the need to blend in and become ‘one of the guys’. As women working in tech, we have our own personalities, we have our own styles and provide our own unique value-add. Just remember that there are so many different roles in tech. Think about product managers, UX designers, product owners – we need all those skills at CommBank.”

Anna Leontjeva, Chapter Lead CDAO AI Labs 

“I always try to embrace a growth mindset – and hold the belief that abilities aren't fixed but can grow through hard work. Perhaps that’s why I love working at CommBank – it provides a safe environment to experiment, learn from mistakes and stay humble about the complexity of the challenges we tackle, all while being supported by a respectful culture. It’s a place where you can ask questions, try new approaches and put in the reps to improve.”  

Sam Booyachi, General Manager CommSec Technology

“Technology is enabling us to reimagine how CommBank’s customers bank, today. Being involved in this transformation offers me the chance to apply years of learning and experiences, while finding new challenges. When building a career in technology, I can’t stress enough the importance of networking and curiosity. Being able to cross boundaries and connect with others gives you greater clarity, promotes collaboration and often results in learning, and better outcomes.”  

At the recent Vogue Codes Summit, some of our other female tech leaders shared the advice they would tell their younger selves. Watch the video below for more tips. 

CommBank is proud to be the presenting partner for Vogue Codes 2024, demonstrating our commitment to promoting gender diversity and inclusion in STEM and encouraging more women to consider a career in tech.

Learn more about technology careers at CommBank and our early careers program.