As at 31 December 2020, CBA had completed work on 169 out of 177 milestones and 39 out of 45 recommendations¹.
Commonwealth Bank Chief Executive Officer Matt Comyn said: “While we remain on track and are pleased with our progress, we recognise there is still a lot left to do to fully embed and sustain the changes made.
“CBA’s Board and executives remain fully committed to the RAP and to continuously improving and learning. Our focus is to successfully complete the RAP and to ensure that the improvements we’ve made to our governance, culture and accountability stand the test of time,” Mr Comyn said.
To read Promontory Australia's ninth independent report into the progress of CBA's Remedial Action Plan, click here.
To read Promontory Australia's tenth independent report into the progress of CBA's Remedial Action Plan, click here.
Earlier reports can be accessed here. Our next update will be provided in August 2021.