Personal customers

We’ll protect you from unauthorised transactions provided you follow the necessary steps

  1. Protect your access to your devices, your client number and passwords, and
  2. Immediately notify us of the loss, theft or misuse (without your knowledge) of your password and of any suspicious activity on your account

1. You protect your access to:

  • Cards
  • Devices
  • Client numbers
  • PINs
  • Passwords
  • One-time passwords/Netcodes
  • And any other access methods

2. Call us immediately if:

  • Your card, device, client number, pin, passwords and any other access methods are accessed without your authorisation, lost or stolen
  • You suspect misuse or suspicious activity relating to your card(s), account(s), NetBank and CommBank app log ons

Contact us

You haven’t contributed to the loss

  • You didn’t make the transaction yourself
  • You didn’t provide your login details, secure information or access to your devices to any other person or company who may have made the transaction

Full terms and conditions

Business customers

If you use NetBank for your business follow the 'Personal customers' steps above. If you use CommBiz for your business follow the steps below.

We’ll protect you from losses due to unauthorised, externally manipulated transactions provided you:

  • Protect your access information and
  • Immediately notify us of any of the outlined activities

1. You protect your access information

  • Only authorised personnel have access
  • You have current security software installed on your devices
  • Passwords and security tokens are not shared or reused
  • Passwords are strong and changed regularly
  • Separate devices are used to create and authorise payments

2. You immediately notify us of any of the following activities

  • Loss, theft, misuse, misplacement or compromise of devices used to access CommBiz, eToken and token codes or passwords
  • Disclosure or change of private, agent or business details
  • Revoking the authority of any appointee
  • Suspicious activities

Contact us

You or your employees haven’t contributed to the loss

  • You or your appointee(s) didn’t make the transaction yourself
  • You didn’t provide your login details or secure information to any other person or company who may have made the transaction

For more information see CommBiz Terms and Conditions. If you are a CommBiz user, you can order a security token.