Help & support
While cheques aren’t as commonly used as they once were, cheque fraud remains prevalent. In this type of fraud, criminals use fake, forged or altered cheques to pay for goods or services. As a starting point, you can help protect against this by keeping track of the cheques you write and storing your chequebook in a safe place.
Counterfeit originated cheques are falsely produced copies of cheques that were genuinely issued. Often the counterfeit copy will look just like the original cheque, with subtle differences. A counterfeit originated cheque will most often have a different payee, amount or both from that of the original. A counterfeit non-originated cheque will sometimes use a genuine customer’s BSB and account number.
Material alteration of a cheque is where the payee/amount or other details originally printed/written on the cheque have been changed by the fraudster.
This type of cheque fraud occurs when either single cheques or an entire chequebook has been stolen by the offender, and the signature on the presented cheque isn’t that of the drawer.
Message us immediately if you're worried about the security of your account. Our virtual assistant Ceba can help or securely connect you to a specialist.
If you (or someone you know) is a CommBank customer and has been targeted or lost money as a result of fraud, contact us.
Change your passwords and PINs straight away if you suspect your security has been compromised. Change these regularly as a preventative measure.
With SavvyShield you can place a temporary ban on your Experian Credit Report to protect it from fraudulent activity. Learn more about SavvyShield.
Contact IDCARE on 1800 595 160 or via IDCARE is a free, Government-funded service that provides support to victims of identity crime.
Ceba can help you lock your card or securely connect you to a specialist in the CommBank app.
Fast-track your call, see expected wait times and connect with a specialist in the CommBank app.
Send us a copy or screenshot if you receive a hoax email or SMS.
As this advice has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should, before acting on the advice, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances. The information provided on this page has been compiled by CommBank to educate you on ways to minimise the likelihood of being victim to fraud or experience unauthorised transactions on your accounts, and where to seek help if you believe either of these have occurred.