The process at a glance

  1. Check that the transaction can be disputed
  2. Prepare supporting documents
  3. Raise a dispute to investigate the charge
  4. Get a resolution and your account credited if your dispute is successful

You’ll need to contact us as soon as you decide to raise a dispute. If you take too long to raise a dispute from the date the transaction occurred, we may lose any chargeback rights we have under Mastercard, VISA and eftpos scheme rules.1

If the transaction appears as pending on your account, we’ll investigate your dispute when the transaction has fully processed.

Learn more about disputing a pending transaction

The process at a glance

  1. Check that the transaction can be disputed
  2. Prepare supporting documents
  3. Raise a dispute to investigate the charge
  4. Get a resolution and your account credited if your dispute is successful

You’ll need to contact us as soon as you decide to raise a dispute. If you take too long to raise a dispute from the date the transaction occurred, we may lose any chargeback rights we have under Mastercard, VISA and eftpos scheme rules.1

If the transaction appears as pending on your account, we’ll investigate your dispute when the transaction has fully processed.

Learn more about disputing a pending transaction

Dispute checklist

How to raise a dispute

  • If you still don’t recognise the transaction and want to raise a dispute, here's how to contact us:

    • For debit cards, credit cards and unauthorised transactions – Message us in the CommBank app to quickly get connected to the right help. Don’t have the app3? Download it now or contact us to raise a dispute
    • For Travel money cards – Complete and send us a dispute form
  • What happens when you contact us

    • If any disputed transactions are still pending, we’ll wait for these to be fully processed before we can start investigating your dispute. It generally takes 3 to 5 business days to process a transaction, although it can take up to 10 business days.4
    • For unauthorised transactions, we'll have to cancel your card to protect your account from further fraudulent activity and send you a new one. Since we’re cancelling your card, you may need to review any scheduled payments and organise to have them paid from a different account
    • For unauthorised transactions relating to digital fraud and scams, we’ll have to lock your NetBank to protect your account from further fraudulent activity. Please visit our digital fraud and scam pages for more information. 


Message us 24/7

Get instant help from Ceba in the CommBank app or connect with a specialist who can message you back. You’ll need CommBank app notifications turned on so you know when you’ve received a reply. 

Message us

Get help

Getting a resolution

  • We’ll keep you updated

    Once you’ve contacted us to raise a dispute, you can expect the following from us:

    • We’ll work hard to resolve your issue as quickly as possible
    • We'll either send you a letter or email confirming the outcome of our investigation
    • If you have the CommBank app, you’ll receive notifications about your dispute
  • How long will it take?

    In addition to the time taken for any pending transactions to be processed so we can initiate a dispute:

    • Quick decision (3 business days) – We endeavour to resolve most disputes within 3 business days, which is when you should see the money back in your account if your dispute is successful
    • Further investigation (21 calendar days) – How long it takes to resolve a dispute depends on the complexity of the dispute and whether a merchant decides to challenge your claim. Some dispute investigations can take 21 calendar days, and we’ll contact you if it is any longer5
  • Resolution of your dispute 

    • If successful, we'll credit the account your dispute was raised from. If that’s closed, we’ll ask you for the details of an alternative account.
    • The credit will appear as at the date the disputed transaction was processed. For example, if it was in pending and then processed on 5 February, your credit will appear as at 5 February, not the date you raised the dispute with us or the date your dispute was resolved.
    • We reserve the right to reverse a refund on reasonable grounds; for example, if the merchant provides sufficient evidence that you should be liable for the transaction, or if we identify you’ve received a duplicate refund. We’ll notify you in writing after we have reverse the funds, which can happen up to 45 calendar days after you receive your refund. If reversing these funds causes you hardship, please contact us.

Protection for unauthorised transactions

We’ll protect you from losses due to unauthorised transactions on personal and business accounts when you take the necessary steps to stay safe online

Mother and daughter with tablet

Things you should know

  • 1 This doesn’t apply to an unauthorised transaction that’s regulated by the ePayments Code.

    2 Digital and mobile wallets (e.g. CBA Tap & Pay, Apple Pay) allow you to make payments with your digital device while hiding your card info from stores and merchants. Adding your card to a digital wallet encrypts the card number replacing it with a token number instead. This means your card isn’t stored on the device or ever shared with you when you process your payment.

    3 The CommBank app is free to download however your mobile network provider charges you for accessing data on your phone. You should refer to your mobile phone plan or contact your provider to find out more. Terms and conditions are available on the CommBank app. NetBank access with NetCode SMS required. Find out about the minimum operating requirements on the CommBank app page

    4 Some transactions may take longer than 10 business days to process, but this is rare.

    5 In exceptional circumstances disputes can take up to 45 calendar days to resolve.