Full year 2019 highlights

  • Progress on becoming a simpler, better bank
  • Core business continued to perform well – underpinned by growth in home lending, business lending and deposits
  • Cash Net Profit After Tax from continuing operations of $8,492m (-4.7%)
  • Final dividend of $4.31 per share, fully franked

Read the transcript of the CEO's video.

Download the audio file for radio grabs.


Full year 2019 highlights

  • Progress on becoming a simpler, better bank
  • Core business continued to perform well – underpinned by growth in home lending, business lending and deposits
  • Cash Net Profit After Tax from continuing operations of $8,492m (-4.7%)
  • Final dividend of $4.31 per share, fully franked

Read the transcript of the CEO's video.

Download the audio file for radio grabs.


Full year 2019 results

CBA stories

woman and laptop

CBA continues to simplify its business

CBA story

Commonwealth Bank has made headway on the implementation of its simpler, better bank strategy with progress on divestments, improved customer outcomes and continued investment in digital banking.

woman in dark with phone

CBA extends digital leadership

CBA story

Seven million of CBA’s retail bank customers are now banking with the group through its digital channels - setting a new record for those people who prefer to manage their finances online.

Additional full year 2019 content

Details and review of CBA financial results for the year ended 30 June 2018.

Annual Report

2019 Annual Report

Our 2019 Annual Report provides information on all aspects of our progress towards becoming a simpler, better bank.

iPad reading

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