Choose a bank account

Spend responsibly

Help your child balance their saving and spending choices with a Smart Access account for Youth. This could be for you if:

  • You want spend controls, merchant blocks and real-time notifications of your kids’ spending 
  • You want to teach your child to budget with a Debit card
  • Your child is under 14 years of age

Discover Smart Access account for Youth


Open now

Learn to save

The Youthsaver account is designed to help teach under 18s how to save. 

This could be for you if: 

  • You want to help your child learn how to manage money
  • You want them to earn bonus interest2 when they grow their savings balance each calendar month
  • Your child is under 18 years of age

Discover Youthsaver

Open now

Learn and earn

Kit is the pocket money app and card built by CommBank. 

This could be for you if: 

  • You want to help your kids learn about money through in-app financial education
  • You want to enable your kids to earn pocket money through chores 
  • You want to motivate your child to achieve their savings goals
  • Your child is 5-13 years old

Discover Kit

Bank Accounts for teenagers 14+

Give your teens the knowledge and freedom to manage their own money.

Why CommBank?

Better everyday banking

Easy account management and parental controls like merchant blocks and real-time notifications — all in Australia's best banking app.1

Every dollar counts

$0 transaction or monthly service fees.

Fee-free cash withdrawals when using a CommBank ATM - Australia’s largest bank owned ATM network 4

Earn interest on your savings

Earn variable bonus interest2 when your child grows their savings each month with a Youthsaver account.

Learn good money habits

Enable your child to build their independence and learn money management with simple tips and tricks.

Kit – Pocket money app and prepaid card

Parents and kids can use Kit to earn pocket money by ticking off jobs, set savings goals, track spending and learn with Money Quests. You can also link a Youthsaver account to Kit. 

With a Youthsaver account, your kids could start earning up to 4.75% p.a. interest on savings.3

The Kit app helps you to:

  • Manage your child’s spending with a prepaid card that offers parental controls 
  • Access in-app gamified learning, which seeks to improve the financial capability of your child
  • Schedule pocket money and add jobs your kids can tick off 

Discover Kit

Teach kids about money

See our one-stop resource that helps parents and guardians bring money to life for children. Browse practical tips and handy guidance on having money conversations with your kids.

How to teach children about money

Teach kids about money

See our one-stop resource that helps parents and guardians bring money to life for children. Browse practical tips and handy guidance on having money conversations with your kids.

How to teach children about money

Comparison – Overview 

Youthsaver Account 
Smart Access Account for Youth 
Kit - The kids pocket money app  
To help teach children to save and earn interest
To help children learn responsible spending habits
To help children master money through earning, learning and mindfully-spending  
Who’s in control?
The child is the accountholder and the parent/carer can be added as an authorised operator.
The child is the accountholder and the parent/carer can be added as an authorised operator.
The parent/carer has total control – they’re the accountholder, and the child is added as a cardholder (up to 5 kids can be added)  

Comparison – Features

Youthsaver Account 
Smart Access Account for Youth 
Kit - The kids pocket money app  
Age to access account 
Under 14s with a parent, and 14-17 on their own
Under 14s with a parent and over 14s can apply for an Everyday Account Smart Access
From 5 years
Yes - Refer to Youthsaver
Card access
Age required to have a card
Not applicable
From 9 years
From 5 years (parent/carer orders the card and can give it to the child)
Spend via digital card in phone wallet (Apple Pay, Google Pay)
Not applicable
Yes (Apple Pay: 13+; Google Pay 16+; ability for parent/carer to add card to wallet)
Yes (Apple Pay: 13+; Google Pay 16+; ability for parent/carer to add card to wallet)
Parents/carers can view spending via app 
Instant money transfer
Spend online
ATM withdrawals
Tailored education
Full access to app (CommBank/Kit)
To CommBank app  
To CommBank app
To Kit app

Comparison – Parental controls

Youthsaver Account 
Smart Access Account for Youth 
Kit - The kids pocket money app  
Spend limit
Not applicable
Yes (weekly)
Yes (daily - can set your own spending limit)
Lock contactless and online payments
Not applicable
No (can lock whole card only)
Lock card (e.g. if lost)
Not applicable
Transaction notifications
Not applicable
Merchant blocking
Not applicable
Yes - can block at any merchant 

Comparison – Fees

Youthsaver Account 
Smart Access Account for Youth 
Kit - The pocket money app and card
Account fees
No account fee  
Refer to Youthsaver rates and fees for more information
No account fee  
Refer to Smart Access rates and fees for more information
Yes – Free Kit Membership for eligible CommBank Yello customers

Refer to Kit pricing for more information

Things you should know

  • 1 Canstar 2024 Digital Banking Bank of the Year. 

    2 Excludes interest and transactions initiated by the Bank. To qualify for bonus interest you must:

    • Make at least one deposit of any amount into your account in the calendar month; and 
    • Have a higher account balance at the end of the calendar month than at the start of the calendar month. If you withdraw from your account, deposit more money than you withdrew in the calendar month.

    3 Subject to eligibility criteria. 4.75% p.a. total variable rate when you make at least one deposit of any amount into your account and grow your balance (excluding interest and transactions initiated by the Bank) each calendar month on balances up to and including $50,000. The total variable rate includes 2.40% p.a. standard variable rate and 2.35% p.a. bonus variable rate when the above eligibility criteria is met. For the portion of the balance over $50,000 and/or if the bonus criteria isn't met, only the standard variable rate will apply. Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. 

    4 Independent ATM providers may charge a withdrawal fee.

    The CommBank app is free to download however your mobile network provider charges you for accessing data on your phone. Find out about the minimum operating system requirements on the CommBank app page. Terms and conditions are available in the app. NetBank access with NetCode SMS is required.

    Kit is a brand of CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd ABN 38 633 072 830 trading as HEY KIT. CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 (CBA). CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd is not an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 and its obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Commonwealth Bank of Australia or its subsidiaries, and therefore you may be exposed to investment risk including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and principal invested, as relevant. CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd has been appointed as authorised representative (001296799) of Hay Limited (ABN 34 629 037 403 AFSL 515459), who is the issuer of the Kit Account and associated Kit Cards. View the CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd Financial Services Guide (PDF). Any advice provided is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs so please consider whether it is appropriate for you. Please consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDF), before making any decision about the products. Fees and charges may apply. View the Target Market Determination (PDF). Please visit Important Legal Information to access detailed terms and conditions about our app and the services, our Privacy Policy (PDF) and other important legal documents. 

    CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd (ABN 38 633 072 830), trading as Hey Kit, has been appointed as authorised representative (001296799) of Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945) who is the issuer of the CommBank Youthsaver account.

    The target market for the Youthsaver and Smart Access product will be found within the product’s Target Market Determination.