Help & support
Can pay your minimum monthly personal loan repayments every month (for up to 12 months) until you return to work if you're unable to work due to an injury or illness or because you lose your job involuntarily.
Pays off your remaining personal loan balance up to $50,000 if you're diagnosed with a medical trauma or if you pass away.
Trauma cover conditions are:
Trauma conditions have specific meanings and a benefit is only payable if you meet the precise meaning of the definition set out in the Personal Loan Protection Product Disclosure Statement and the Loan Protection Medical Definitions Reference Guide.
New applications for Personal Loan Protection are no longer accepted from 7 June 2018.
Existing Personal Loan Protection customers will continue to be covered for claimable events for the life of the policy.
If you have any questions or want to make a claim, please call 13 3982 between 9am-5pm, Mon - Fri (AEST/AEDT).
$25 per month for all eligible customers.
Your premium includes stamp duty and you don't have to pay GST on it.
A trauma benefit will only be payable if you meet the precise meaning of our medical definitions.
Trauma cover conditions are:
Trauma conditions have specific meanings and a benefit is only payable if you meet the precise meaning of the definition set out in the Personal Loan Protection Product Disclosure Statement and the Loan Protection Medical Definitions Reference Guide.