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Secured Personal Loan rate
(usually 6.49% p.a.)
Use our comparison tool to see the estimated running costs, emissions and vehicle prices of an EV compared to a petrol, diesel or hybrid vehicle.
The maximum you can borrow online for a secured loan is $120,000 or $50,000 for an unsecured loan. If you need more you’ll need to pay the difference, or for a secured loan you can call us on 13 1431 to discuss your needs.
Yes, approvals are valid for 60 days. If your delivery is longer than this, we can look to extend your approval on expiry.
Yes if you still have proof of purchase, but only on an unsecured loan.
Yes, providing it’s provided by the dealer, listed on the same invoice as the car and total loan amount is not more than 120% of the car’s value.
There may be a variety of incentives available based on the state in which you’re registering your vehicle. Federal incentives may also be available depending on how you buy and finance. We recommend you check for any state or federal government incentives including eligibility criteria before applying.
Yes, but you won’t qualify for the green discount.
#For the EV Access Program (EVAP) essential workers are individuals employed as teachers/instructors, medical/veterinarians, government officials and care workers.
##You must be buying an electric or hybrid vehicle emitting less than 120g of CO2 per kilometre with a total loan amount of less than or equal to $55,000.
We reserve the right to close or vary this offer at any time.
Information and interest rates are current as at 26 February 2025 and are subject to change. This guide doesn’t consider your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Before basing any decisions on this information, please consider:
Unsecured Fixed Rate Personal Loan interest rate ranges (with energy-efficient discount applied) are set out below. Comparison rates and examples are based on a $30,000 unsecured fixed rate loan over 5 years:
Unsecured Variable Rate Personal Loan interest rate ranges (with energy-efficient discount applied) are set out below. Comparison rates and examples are based on a $30,000 unsecured variable rate loan over 5 years:
~ If you need to borrow more than $120,000 for a secured loan, please call us on 13 1431 to discuss your needs.
+ Eligible vehicles must be fully electric, or hybrids emitting less than 120g C02 emissions per kilometre. If you're using the car as security it must be no more than seven years old, not currently under finance and have an active comprehensive insurance policy. The comprehensive insurance policy must be organised prior to loan funding.
1 Additional repayments made on a fixed rate and secured personal loan are not available to be redrawn. An early repayment adjustment is charged if loan is fully repaid with 12 or more months remaining on loan term, and we reasonably estimate we will incur a loss or administrative cost. View the Personal Loan Terms and Conditions.
2 Your borrowing capacity depends on a range of factors such as your credit score.
Applications for finance are subject to the Bank’s normal credit approval. View the Personal Loan Terms and Conditions. Full terms and conditions will be included in our loan offer. Fees and charges are payable.
3 Comparison rates are calculated based on an unsecured loan of $30,000 and a secured loan of $30,000, over a term of five years. WARNING: Comparison rate is true only for examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.
4 See Commbank Sustainable Economics report published 3 July 2023.
5 The Australian National Electric Vehicle Strategy page 14
6 Interest rates at the lower end of our range, for example 7.00%/7.50% p.a. (comparison rate 8.41%/8.90% p.a.), may be offered to low risk customers with an excellent credit history.
An excellent credit history is determined by, among other things, paying your bills and making loan repayments on or ahead of time, being disciplined with your credit applications, and not overextending yourself financially.
Actions which can negatively impact your credit history include missing bill or loan repayments, defaulting on your credit facility, or making a large number of credit applications in a short period of time. You can find out more about how your credit score is calculated and tips for improving your credit score at our Credit Score Information Hub.
^ See report from the “Electric Vehicle Council: State of Electric Vehicles”, pages 63-67, published on July 2023
7 You may be eligible for same-day funding if you’re approved, accept your contract and complete verification by 4pm Monday to Friday (Sydney/Melbourne time). Subject to credit checks and assessment of your financial situation. Unavailable if an application is incomplete or needs to be referred for a more detailed review by a lending specialist, or if required documentation isn’t provided, and subject to system availability.
# $174 weekly repayment is calculated on an example of a $50,000 secured loan (with energy-efficient discount applied) over a 7 year term and our lowest rate of 6.19% p.a. (comparison rate 7.61% p.a.). This comparison rate is calculated based on a secured loan of $30,000, over a term of five years. This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may note include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loans amounts might result in a different comparison rate.
* See article by Evnex: The Best Electric Vehicle Charger for your home, published on December 12 2022.
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Credit provided by Commonwealth Bank of Australia.