If your home loan minimum repayment has increased

  • Why has your minimum repayment increased?

    Your minimum required repayment may have increased because you have had one or more of the following things happen:

    • The interest rate for your home loan has increased. View our customer support page for our latest rate change information 
    • Your fixed term, interest only or introductory interest rate period has ended, so the interest rate used to calculate your repayment amount has changed
    • You’ve taken money out of your available redraw balance
  • What happens next?

    If you have a direct debit, we’ll update this for you so that you can meet your repayment obligations. Just make sure you have enough money in your account.

    You can see and manage your repayments in the Account Information page in NetBank. Keep in mind, you can request to recalculate your repayment amount at any time so that you are on the most up-to-date repayments to ensure that your repayments are on track; this can help reduce interest charges over the life of the loan.

    If you pay by salary credit, NetBank transfer or any other way, you’ll need to increase the repayment amount yourself.

If your home loan minimum repayment has decreased

  • Why has your minimum repayment decreased?

    One or more of the following has happened:

    • You made additional repayments into your home loan, and have more money available to redraw
    • The interest rate for your home loan has decreased
    • You’ve changed your loan term
  • What happens next?

    We won’t make any changes to your direct debit so you can choose what’s best for your situation.  

    • Leave your repayments as they are if you want the flexibility to pay off your loan sooner
    • You may want to reduce your direct debit to your new minimum repayment at any time to free up some cash if you have additional expenses

How to manage your repayments

See how to make changes to your repayment

Watch a short video about your repayment options to set up your home loan to best suit your needs. Whether you want to repay your loan within the agreed term or sooner, you have the flexibility to manage your repayment.

How to manage your repayments

See how to make changes to your repayment

Watch a short video about your repayment options to set up your home loan to best suit your needs. Whether you want to repay your loan within the agreed term or sooner, you have the flexibility to manage your repayment.

Managing your home loan repayments

  • Managing your home loan repayments

    If your direct debit home loan repayments are linked to a bank account in your name(s), you can:

    • Modify your repayment amount, frequency, date, or the account your repayments are taken from through the CommBank app or by logging onto NetBank. You can also cancel your direct debit this way.
    • Set up your direct debit arrangement, or make any other requests, by calling us any day on 13 2224, 8am to 8pm (Sydney/Melbourne time), or by visiting your nearest CommBank branch.

    For direct debit requests (DDR) from another financial institution or from any accounts not in your name(s), review and complete the DDR form before contacting us.

    Modify repayments

    Change direct debit

Need help with your loan repayment?

If you’d like to review your home loan, you can message us via the CommBank app, or alternatively contact us here. Our virtual assistant can connect you with a Home Loan Specialist.

We're here to help

If your circumstances have changed and you’re finding it hard to meet your repayments, please get in touch with our Financial Assistance team.


Message us 24/7

Get help from Ceba in the CommBank app or connect with a specialist who can message you back. You’ll need CommBank app notifications turned on so you know when you’ve received a reply. 

Message us

Things you should know

  • As this advice has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consider its appropriateness to your circumstances before acting on the advice. You should also read our Financial Services Guide.