Know your property & the market

Using the most up-to-date information from CoreLogic, Australia’s leading property data, information, analytics and service provider, our Property and Suburb Reports provide a comprehensive snapshot of a property and its neighbourhood.

Following an appointment with one of our Home Lending Specialists, you can access an unlimited number of reports to get a complete picture of any property you may be interested in buying or selling, as well as compare it against similar properties on the market.

See sample Property Report

See sample Suburb Report

property report

Features & benefits

  • Estimated price

    Find out what the property is worth based on recent comparable sales.

  • On the market

    Our reports provide in-depth information on properties for sale in the neighbourhood, including listing dates, agents and lot plan details.

  • Suburb insights

    Get median sale prices, value of sales, rental and demographic profiles.

  • Rental information

    Interested in an investment property? See comparative rental properties including weekly rental prices, rental yield and capital growth.

  • Radius search

    Our lenders can perform a radius search for you that targets a particular property as a starting point and look for comparable properties in the surrounding area. 

  • Territory builder

    Want to be close to a certain school, your parent’s home, or workplace? Our lenders can build your own 'territories' using an interactive map that will return all the homes in this area that meet your criteria.

Start your home buying journey with us today 

Know your borrowing power

Get the confidence to act quickly when the right property comes along

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Apply for a loan

When you've found a property or want to refinance with CommBank.

Apply for a home loan

Ask a Lending expert

Talk on the phone or in person – whatever works best for you.

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Make informed property decisions with Home Hub

Get access to all the property tools and guidance you need in one place in Home Hub within the CommBank app. 

Check out Home Hub

Tools & support

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Message us 24/7

Get help from Ceba in the CommBank app or connect with a specialist who can message you back. You’ll need CommBank app notifications turned on so you know when you’ve received a reply. 

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Things you should know

  • ^ Conditional pre-approval provides an estimate of the amount you can borrow based on the information you provide. The loan attributes, as well as interest rate changes, may result in changes to the amount you can borrow. The amount you can borrow is also subject to verification of your financial position, satisfactory security and to the Bank’s normal credit approval. It shouldn’t be considered an approval for a loan or a loan offer. Full terms and conditions (including fees and charges payable) will be included in the Bank’s offer documents, if an offer is made.