What you'll need

    • View and create access for the account
    • Permission to create Service Requests

    Note: To authorise a notice, you'll also need to be an Authoriser for the account.

Manage a Capital Growth Account

  1. Log on to CommBiz. Go to Accounts, then select Account Information
  2. Search for the Capital Growth Account to view the details

Note: The account confirmation letter on the View Account Information screen outlines the account fees and charges, including credit interest rates.

  1. Log on to CommBiz. On the homepage, go to Pending authorisations
  2. Select Service Requests. All requests waiting for authorisation will display
  3. Select the service request you'd like to authorise, then select Authorise

    Note: You can only authorise one request at a time.
  4. Review the details, then enter your authorisation details and select Authorise

    Note: If more than one authoriser is required, the request won't be completed until all have authorised it.

  1. Log on to CommBiz. Go to Accounts, then select Transaction History
  2. Select the Capital Growth Account from the dropdown 
  3. Select the date range you'd like to view, then Show
  4. Select your preferred format (PDF or CSV), then Export Transactions

  1. Log on to CommBiz. Go to Accounts, select Transaction History, then Notice History
  2. Select the Capital Growth Account from the dropdown
  3. Select the date range you'd like to view, then Show

  1. Log on to CommBiz. Go to Accounts, then select Account Changes
  2. Select the Capital Growth Account
  3. Select the date range you'd like to view, then Show 
  4. Select your preferred format (PDF or CSV), then Export

Capital Growth Account notice statuses


Next stage

The start date of the notice is in the future and the funds show as Balance On Hold.


The notice is active and the funds show as Balance On Notice.  


The notice period has been served and the funds show as Balance At Call.


The notice was cancelled. Funds were returned and the notice shows as Balance On Notice.


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Important information

  • This guide is published solely for information purposes. As this guide has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consider its appropriateness to your circumstances and if necessary seek the appropriate financial advice before acting on information in this guide. Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 1234. Call 13 2221 or view our Terms and Conditions