
  • Trade advances are short-term loans for both domestic and overseas import and export transactions, designed for corporate business of all sizes. It is available for periods of 30 to 185 days and can be denominated in any major currency. The currency of funding must match the trade invoice.

    The facility helps importers and exporters to close their cash flow gap, accelerate payment and enable our customers to respond rapidly to new business opportunities based on freed up capital.

How to access

  • Allow importer and exporter users to electronically apply for trade advances. 

    • Importers: Select Trade, Trade Advance-Imports, then Create/Amend Trade Advance-Imports
    • Exporters: Select Trade, Trade Advance-Exports, then Create/Amend Trade Advance-Export

How to apply

Create new Trade Advance – Import transaction

  • Select Trade
  • Access Create/Amend Trade Advance-Import
  • Select Create New Loan and complete the required fields

    Note: The Transaction Initiator field should have your company name. If not, choose the entity you wish to transact under by clicking the Lookup icon on the Transaction Initiator field
  • The Trade Initiator will display a list of customer names. Select a customer and all fields will pre-populate
  • Select Continue and complete the mandatory fields for Transaction Details such as: Currency, Loan Amount, Loan terms. In the For Method of Credit dropdown, select either:
    Credit Our Account (enables Account Number) related to details as per described in the Lookup icon; or
    Credit Our Supplier (enables all fields related to the supplier)
  • Select Submit once all fields are complete

Authoriser worklist

  • Select Trade
  • Under Trade Advances-Imports, select Authorise
  • From the list, select the checkbox of the transaction you'd like to view
  • Select Authorise to continue or Send to Repair to modify
    If Authorise is selected, review confirmation window and select OK to proceed
    If Send to Repair is selected, enter the details to confirm the repair in the text field. Select OK to proceed. The To Modify/Repair screen will display.

Modify / Repair worklist

  • Select Modify / Repair
  • Update the details
  • Select Submit and then on the Confirmation: Sent to Repair pop-up, select OK
  • On the Modify / Repair worklist page, select the relevant checkbox and adjust the details as required
  • Select Submit. Once submitted there will be a window pop-up for Create New Loan – Transaction submitted successfully
  • Select OK to proceed

    Note: The new loan will require authorisation by another user
  • After submitting from the Modify / Repair Worklist, the View All Work list will display. Select the checkbox on the left, then select View Details to see more information about a specific new loan

Description of fields

  • Transaction Initiator and Customer ID details are pre-populated and can't be edited
  • Customer Name details are pre-populated and can't be edited
  • Transaction Status can't be edited
  • Transaction Reference Number is a unique reference number that is pre-populated
  • Bank Reference Number will be populated after the bank processes the transaction
  • Customer Reference Number should be populated by the user
  • Bill Reference Number can be populated by the user
  • Contact Person can be populated by the user
  • Telephone Number of the Contact Person can be populated by the user
  • The CCV/Amount field should be populated with a 3-character currency code and an amount. The currency portion can be inserted using the currency library dialog box or free form text. The amount should be inserted using free form text.
  • Loan Terms can be selected from Maturity Date or Tenor (In Days)
  • The Account Number field will be mandatory if "Credit Our Account" was selected under Method of Credit. Otherwise, this field can't be edited. User should input the appropriate company Account Number which should be credited with the funds
    If Credit Our Supplier was selected under Method of Credit, the Supplier Name would have to be populated.
    If Credit Our Supplier was selected under Method of Credit, the Supplier Account Number would have to be populated.
  •  Any other Payment/Maturity Instructions such as Bank SWIFT address can be inserted in the Payment/Maturity Instructions box
  • Enter any applicable FX Contract Numbers. If the FX Contract Number is populated, the Rate field can be edited.
  • Provide Invoice Information by select New to review from provided window that will display. Enter Invoice Number, Invoice Date and select Save
    Note: Invoices must be sent separately to Commonwealth Bank via email
  • Select Submit to have the transaction move for authorisation

  • Select Trade
  • Select Create/Amend Trade Advance Export

    Note: The Transaction Initiator field should have your company name. If not, choose the entity you'd like to transact under by selecting the Lookup icon on the Transaction Initiator field
  • Complete the mandatory fields: Trade Initiator, Creation Method, Customer ID, Transaction Status, Branch Code, Legal Vehicle and Department.

    Note: By selecting Trade Initiator Lookup icon as the first field to be completed, the remaining fields will pre-populate
  • Once all mandatory fields are complete, select Continue
  • Enter all loan details, using Lookup tools where possible
  • Once mandatory fields are complete, select Submit to send records to be approved.

Authoriser worklist

  • Select Trade
  • Under Trade Advances-Imports, select Authorise
  • From the list, select the checkbox of the transaction you'd like to view
  • Select Authorise to continue or Send to Repair to modify
    If Authorise is selected, review confirmation window and select OK to proceed
    If Send to Repair is selected, enter the details to confirm the repair in the text field. Select OK to proceed. The To Modify/Repair screen will display.

Modify / Repair worklist

  • Select Modify / Repair
  • Update the details
  • Select Submit. On the Confirmation: Sent to Repair pop-up, select OK
  • On the Modify / Repair worklist page, select the relevant checkbox and update the details as required
  • Select Submit. Once submitted, there will be a pop-up for Create New Loan – Transaction submitted successfully
  • Select OK to proceed

    Note: The new loan will require authorisation by another user
  • After submitting from the Modify / Repair Worklist, the View All Work list will display. Select the checkbox on the left, then select View Details to see more information about a specific new loan.

Where to access all Trade Advances-Exports

  • Select Trade, then All Trade Advance-Exports
  • On the All Trade Advances-Exports page, users will be able to view all the Export Loans and the individual status.