How to access

  • From the Global Trade homepage, select Trade, then under Free Format Messaging, select Inbound Outbound.

    From here, select from six options:

    • Inbound/Outbound
    • Create Outbound Message
    • Notification and Response
    • Message Archive
    • Authorise
    • Modify/Repair


Free format messages


  • Select Create Outbound Message tab to create a new outbound message
  • Select the Lookup button of the Transaction Initiator field. This field should have the company name, if not chose the entity you wish to transact under
  • The Transaction Initiator field is pre-populated as per the selection done in Transaction Initiator Dialog field
  • The Customer ID is pre-populated as per the selection done in Transaction Initiator Dialog field
  • Message Status is populated by system
  • Once all required details are provided, select Continue
  • Under Message Details in the Message Title field, enter the title of the message that is being sent as well as the Message Sent Date/Time field
  • Once they are completed, scroll down to select applicable product under the Select Product dropdown menu. In the Message Reference Number field, a unique reference number is pre-populated
  • In the dropdown menu for Select LC / Bill Reference Number, select Bill Reference Number or LC Reference Number. The Lookup Tool icon is available to capture the specific reference number for the LC / Bill Reference Number field
  • The Currency/Account field can entered by selecting the currency type from the currency list Lookup Tool and then enter the required amount

Note: If using the Lookup Tool icon to populate LC / Bill Reference Number, then the Currency/Amount will be pre-populated

  • Enter any additional text manually to the Narrative field, or select the Library Lookup Tool to open a Library Look Up Dialog box
  • Ensure to enter in the Attention field that the message as required to a specific person’s or department name (e.g., for attention of a named Customer/Trade Service Representative or to a Trade Processing Department)
  • Once complete, review the details provided, Users can select from the following:

− Select Submit to finalise the new Free Format Message. Note: When selecting Submit  while creating a new Free Format Message, an Error pop-up appears on the screen if any fields were entered incorrectly or if the mandatory fields were left blank

− Select Save for an incomplete Free Format Message to be saved, allowing to return to the application later and finish entering the required details to be submitted.

− Select Clear to remove all the context entered and start with a blank Free Format Message requiring new details to be entered.

− Select Modify/Repair if there are any errors to be resolved.


  • Select Trade
  • Select Modify/Repair
  • Select Service Type if users wish to Modify or Repair by selecting the checkbox option
  • When Modify/Repair a message, users can amend Message Title field and the Select Product field
  • Once complete, users can select Submit or Save
  • If authorisation is required, refer to Authorise Free form message (below)

  • Select Trade
  • Select Authorise
  • After the transaction is submitted by the maker, this transaction will be sent to the To Authorise queue and will require an Authoriser to approve the transaction before it's released to the bank for processing.
  • Once Authoriser reviews, users will have four options: To Authorise, Modify, Send to Repair and Delete
    − Authorise – Authorises the transaction and sends transaction for processing 
    − Modify – Opens the transaction for editing 
    − Send to Repair – Sends the transaction back to the maker for repair 
    − Delete – Deletes the transaction

  • Select Trade
  • Select All Free Form Messages – Inbound/OutBound
  • View all Free Format messages and the latest statuses associated with the messages

  • Select Trade, then Notification and Response
  • Select the required checkbox next to the Customer ID message that wish to respond to
  • Once selected, users can view the Inbound Message details 
  • Once the message is reviewed, scroll to Response
  • The first mandatory field Transaction Initiator will be pre-populated
  • Select Message Title field and enter the title of the response message that'll be sent. This is a free format text field
  • Select Attention / Cust. Rel Ref field and message as required to a specific person or department name (e.g., for attention of a named Customer/Trade Service Representative or to a Trade Processing Department). This is a free format text field
  • Select from the dropdown the Related Reference number
  • Select the required LC / Bill Reference Number from the provided Lookup Tool icon
  • The Currency/Account field can be entered by selecting the currency type from the currency list Lookup Tool and enter the required amount. If using the Lookup Tool icon to populate LC / Bill Reference Number, then the Currency / Amount will be pre-populated
  • In the Narrative Field, enter any additional text, or select the Lookup Tool icon to open a Library Look Up Dialog Box.
  • Select Submit to send the response to the bank for processing. User can select any of the following options at any point:

 Respond Later – Can't be selected when user is in Response Tab

 Submit – Saves the transaction

 Delete – Deletes the transaction

− View Errors – View errors on this Collections.