Export reports

    • On the main screen, select Report & Analytics in the sheet. The available categories will display.
    • Select one of the categories, for example, Trade Services - Payable Reports, to open the following screen. Complete the mandatory fields. There are certain fields with a look up option. For these, users can select the Base Report Name and then select Search.
    • By selecting any of those options, for example, Import Bill Charge Summary, you'll need to add the Customer ID or Branch Code and the list of results will be shown. Here users may scroll up/down and review which Customer Name/Branch Code to select. Select one of yellow buttons to RunSave & Run or Save.
    • There are some options to pull data for the Insurance Date and/or Expiry Date as well.

      Note: All Look up fields might bring a list of available content, just select what you want and same logic can be followed.
    • Once an option of RunSave & Run or Save is selected, it will show the confirmation window before proceeding. Users can select OK if wanting to proceed or Cancel. Once confirmed, the results will appear on the list of available reports.
    • As soon as you select the option to generate, it will load the next screen, where you can select all Criteria to apply the filters to allow to run the report. All cases marked with a red start are required.
    • The Customer ID has a Lookup box, you can also select one option if you do not have the Customer ID number available. You also have the same Lookup options for Currency, Base Currency and Product Type.
    • There's also the option to select the report by Maturity Date and/or Expiration Date by following the options available.
    • Once you've selected the Customer ID, complete the other fields required, ensuring to keep the format correct if you need to export the report. The formats available for exporting are XLS, PDF, CSV and RTF.
    • Once completed, select Save & Run. A prompt will ask to confirm if you wish to save the changes made to the report. Select OK to proceed or Cancel to make changes.
    • Once you select OK, you'll be taken to the View Available Reports screen.

Complete a search

    • In case you also want to do an inquiry, from the Global Trade main menu, select the tab Inquiries & Searches, then fill in the criteria fields as needed.
    • For Customer ID, you can use the Look Up tool in case you do not have the Customer ID available. You can also do this same Look Up search for the Product Type if not available as well.
    • Complete all the criteria fields as needed to refine in the inquiry and search. While adding these criteria fields, there are other Look Up tools available to use as well.
    • Once you have entered all the criteria details you wish, select Search.
    • The search results will be displayed, which you can select individually per check box on the left to be exported. Once selected the results required, select Save As and then select the Format from the drop down option and then select OK.
    • As example, if exported file as PDF, you can download by selecting the Arrow Down icon in top right corner or select Send to Print. This is the same for other format types as well.
    • Another option is you may wish to view the result directly. To do so on the criteria result screen, select the Checkbox from required Inquiry and then select View Bill Details. This will then display the Inquiry details to be reviewed. You can also Print or Download from the top right as well.
    • While on this screen, you may select Courier informationBill Charges or View Documents to view any available details or documents for this specific Inquiry.
    • You can Download and Save in specific file format as per example below as needed.
    • Returning to the Trade Billing Inquiry search screen, you can customise the search selection or prepare and run by Customer ID for example.
    • Select in the Customer ID Look Up tool, which will show the Look Up search screen. Choose the required option by selecting the check box you want then select Add to Selection.
    • This will prefill the Customer ID field, allowing you to enter any other remaining mandatory or optional fields as needed. These details can also be saved and exported into different report types. As before select the required report types available: PDF (Adobe), Excel (Microsoft) on XLS or CSV.
    • Alternatively, you can save the report through Save As options. After saving you will be able to see the page report and can also Print from the top right as previously explained.
    • Returning to the main menu Inquiries and Searches, select Trade Services Inquiries, then select Trade Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit, select Customer ID (manually enter or from Look Up tool) and the Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit summary screen will be shown.
    • This summary screen will also have the same available option to Print or Save As.
    • This summary screen will also have access to the View Document details, as well as the additional LC Details is available when selecting the blue link in the summary screen as well.