Access libraries

    1. Select Service
    2. Under Maintenance, select Library Maintenance

Global Trade libraries

  1. Select Service
  2. Under Maintenance, select Library Maintenance
  3. Select Trade Counter Party
  4. Under the View All tab, users will be able to view all Trade Counter Party Libraries. Users will have the option to Submit/Modify or Authorise under the next tabs
  5. Select the Submit/Modify tab. Here the user can view more details on a specific library by selecting the checkbox on the left and then selecting View Details. Users can select a specific library and create a Copy or Delete a specific library
  6. Under the Submit/Modify tab, users can create a new Library by selecting Create Library button on the bottom right corner
  7. Select Create Library
  8. Enter Counter Party Name and Counter Party Address
  9. Enter Vendor Code under the free-format text field
  10. Enter Country/Jurisdiction Code, Counter Party Preferred Advising Method, Counter Party Primary Bank Name by using the Lookup button
  11. Once all required fields are completed, select Submit
  12. Users with authoriser access will have the newly created Trade Counter Party Library displayed in the Authorised tab
  13. Authorised users will have the option to Authorise, Send to Repair, Reject or View Details
  14. If the Authorised user selects the checkbox of the desired library and then selects Send to Repair, the selected library will be moved to the Submit/Modify tab to be amended
  15. If user selects Authorise, the new library will be created.

  1. Select Service
  2. Under Maintenance, select Library Maintenance
  3. Select Applicant in the displayed list
  4. Select desired Customer ID using the Lookup Icon
  5. Customer Name, Branch Code and Branch Name will be pre-populated based on Customer ID selected
  6. Enter Applicant Name and Applicant Address
  7. Enter desired Country/Jurisdiction Code using the Lookup Icon
  8. Country/Jurisdiction Name will be pre-populated based on Country/Jurisdiction Code selected
  9. Select Submit
  10. An authorised user will have the newly created Applicant Library displayed in the Authorised tab
  11. Authorised users will have the option to Authorise, Send to Repair, Reject or View Details
  12. If the Authorised user selects the checkbox of the desired library and then selects Send to Repair, the selected library will be moved to the Submit/Modify tab to be amended
  13. If user selects Authorise, the new library will be created and the user must select OK.

  1. Select Service
  2. Under Maintenance, select Library Maintenance to access all libraries
  3. Select Account Number
  4. Under the View All tab, users will be able to view all Trade Counter Party Libraries. User will have the option to Submit/Modify or Authorise
  5. Select the Submit/Modify tab. Here users can view more details on a specific library by selecting the checkbox and View Details
  6. Users can select Specific Library and create a Copy or also Delete the specific library
  7. Under the Submit/Modify tab, the user will be able to create a new Library by selecting Create Library on the bottom right
  8. Select Create Library
  9. Enter Trade Initiative using the Lookup icon
  10. The Customer ID, Branch Code and Branch Name will be pre-populated based on Trade Initiator selected
  11. Enter desired Account Number and Account Description
  12. Select Submit
  13. Authorised users will have the newly created Account Number Library displayed in the Authorised Tab
  14. Authorised users will have the option to Authorise, Send to Repair, Reject or View Details
  15. If the Authorised user selects the checkbox of the desired library and then selects Send to Repair, the selected library will be moved to the Submit/Modify tab to be amended
  16. If users selects Authorise, the new library will be created and the user must select OK.

  1. Select Service 
  2. Under Maintenance, select Library Maintenance to access all libraries
  3. Select Document Name
  4. Users will be able to view all Document Name Libraries under the View All tab
  5. Users will have the option to Submit/Modify or Authorise
  6. Select the Submit/Modify tab
  7. Here, users can view more details on a specific library by selecting the checkbox, then View Details
  8. User can select a specific library and create a Copy or Delete
  9. Under the Submit/Modify tab, users can create a new library by selecting Create Library
  10. Select Create Library
  11. Enter a Document Name
  12. Once Document Name is submitted, select Submit
  13. Authorised users will have the newly created Document Name Library displayed in the Authorised tab
  14. Authorised users will have the option to Authorise, Send to Repair, Reject or View Details
  15. If the Authorised user selects the checkbox of the desired library and then selects Send to Repair the selected library will be moved to the Submit/Modify tab to be amended
  16. If user selects Authorise, the new library will be created.

  1. Select Service 
  2. Under Maintenance, select Library Maintenance
  3. Select Trade Bank
  4. Users will be able to view all Trade Bank Libraries under the View All tab. 
  5. Users will have the option to Submit/Modify or Authorise
  6. Under the Submit/Modify tab, select Create Library
  7. Select Bank Name and Country/Jurisdiction Code using the Lookup icon
  8. Country/Jurisdiction Name will pre-populate based on Country/Jurisdiction Code selected
  9. Enter Bank Address
  10. SWIFT code will be pre-populated
  11. Select Submit
  12. Authorised users will have the newly created Trade Bank Library displayed in the Authorised tab
  13. Authorised users will have the option to Authorise, Send to Repair, Reject or View Details
  14. If the Authorised user selects the checkbox of the desired library and then Send to Repair, the selected library will be moved to the Submit/Modify tab to be amended.
  15. If user selects Authorise, the new library will be created.

How to view details
  1. Select Service
  2. Under Maintenance, select Library Maintenance
  3. Select Shipping Detail

    Notes: Users will be able to view all Shipping Details Libraries under the View All tab
    Users will have the option to Submit/Modify or Authorise under those respective tabs
  4. Under Submit/Modify tab:

    -View more details on a specific library by selecting the checkbox, then View Details
    -Select a specific library and create a Copy or Delete

How to create a new library

  1. Under Submit/Modify tab, select Create Library on the bottom right
  2. Select Create Library under the Submit/Modify tab
  3. Enter Shipping Address
  4. Select Submit

Authorised users will have the newly created Shipping Details displayed in the Authorised tab

Authorised users will have the option to Authorise, Send to Repair, Reject or View Details

If the Authorised user selects the checkbox of the desired library, then Send to Repair, the selected library will be moved to the Submit/Modify tab to be amended

Once the user selects Authorise, the new library will be created 

  1. Select Service
  2. Select Library Maintenance under Maintenance
  3. Select Drawn on Party
  4. Enter desired Drawn on Party
  5. Select Submit
  6. Authorised users will have the newly created Trade Counter Party Library displayed in the Authorised tab
  7. Authorised users will have the option to Authorise, Send to Repair, Reject or View Details
  8. If the Authorised user selects the checkbox of the desired library and then selects Send to Repair the selected library will be moved to the Submit/Modify tab to be amended
  9. If users selects Authorise, the new library will be created.

  1. Select Service
  2. Select Library Maintenance under Maintenance
  3. Select Details Data Pool
  4. Users will be able to view all Details Data Pool Libraries under the View All tab
  5. Users will have the option to Submit/Modify or Authorise under those respective tabs.
  6. Select the Create Library under Submit/Modify tab. Status and PO Status will be reflected upon Transaction creation – not to filled at this time
  7. Enter Date of PO using the Calendar Lookup
  8. PO Number, Vendor Name, Buying Office, SKU ID, Product Description Quantity units, and all other fields without a Lookup are free-format text fields for users to enter desired text.
  9. Quantity, Quantity Units, Rate per Unit, Purchase Order Amount are text fields for numerical inputs
  10. Enter rata Currency and PO Country/Jurisdiction Code using the Lookup icon
  11. Select Submit
  12. Authorised users will have the newly created Details Data Pool Library displayed in the Authorised tab
  13. Authorised users will have the option to Authorise, Send to Repair, Reject or View Details
  14. If the Authorised user selects the checkbox of the desired library and then selects Send to Repair the selected library will be moved to the Submit/Modify tab to be amended
  15. If users selects Authorise, the new library will be created

A new Letter of Credit (LC) can be created from a pre-format template. This allows users to fill in minimal details since most of the information is pre-populated.

  1. Select Trade
  2. Select Create New Template under Template Management
  3. Select the Lookup button of the Transaction Initiator field
  4. Creation method will have 3 options: Create New, Copy Transaction and Create from Pre-Format
  5. Customer ID / Customer Name to be pre-populated based on Trade Initiator
  6. Users can select Lookup icon to populate textbox for Conditions
  7. For partial shipment users can select the desired fields: Not allowed, Conditional and Allowed. Not allowed will be populated by default
  8. The Transshipment will have Not Allowed by default. Users can select Allowed, Conditional or Not allowed.
  9. Enter Ship from/to, Country, Port of Loading/Discharged and Shipment Terms will have a Lookup function where user can select from a Library
  10. Terms is a free-format field to type relevant data
  11. Presentation Period will be prepopulated to 21 days and can be amended
  12. Latest Shipment Date will have Calendar Lookup
  13. Insurance Covered by will have 3 options: Buyers, Shipper or Ultimate Buyer
  14. Good Description and Additional Goods text can be selected from Lookup library icon. Users can choose pre-defined Clauses from the Library Lookup. When users chooses a clause from the list, the clause text is inserted into the text box. Users can insert as many clauses as necessary. Users can input free form details or directly paste the data from an electronic copy of the text
  15. Once all fields are complete, Save and Submit.

  1. Select Trade
  2. Under Template Management on the Authorise option
  3. After the transaction is submitted by the maker, this transaction will be routed to the “To Authorise” queue and will require an Authoriser to Approve the transaction before it is released to the Bank for processing.
  4. Once Authoriser reviews, they will have 3 options: To Authorise, Modify, Send to Repair and Delete
  5. a.       Authorise - Authorisers the transaction and sends transaction for processing
  6. b.       Modify - Opens the transaction for editing
  7. c.       Send to Repair - Sends the transaction back to the maker for repair
  8. d.       Delete - Deletes the transaction