What you'll need

    • Your Contingent Liability Facility must be linked to your CommBiz service
    • Access to view your Contingent Liability Facility
    • To request a new bank guarantee under your Contingent Liability Facility, you must be an Electronic Account Authority of the account. 

    If you need help, contact your Administrator.

  • Important

    CommBiz supports single authorisation and bank guarantees issued by the Bank in standard format. Speak to your Relationship Manager if more than one authoriser is required to authorise a new bank guarantee, or if the guarantee required is non-standard format. 

View facility & liability information

    1. Log on to CommBiz. Select Accounts, then Contingent Liabilities
    2. Select the Facility Number to view your facility and liability information
    3. Select the + icon to view more information

    Note: The facility and liability information are current as at the previous business day.

Export reports

    1. Log on to CommBiz. Select Accounts, then Contingent Liabilities
    2. Select your export format (PDF or CSV), then Export

View notifications

  • Log on to CommBiz. Select Home, then My Inbox.

    Note: You'll receive a new message in your inbox whenever a liability is established, cancelled or the amount of the liability has changed under your Contingent Liability Facility.

Request a new bank guarantee under your Contingent Liability Facility

    1. Log on to CommBiz. Select Accounts, then Request for Bank Guarantee
    2. Select the relevant Contingent Liability Facility from the Facility Number field
    3. Complete the required fields
    4. Complete your choice of the optional fields:

      Expiry Date: If you provide this, you'll also be asked to select whether the Favouree can request extensions of the bank guarantee
      • Fee Account: If not entered, we'll use the account previously provided for your Contingent Liability Facility
      • Comments: Provide your postal address in this field if you'd like the bank guarantee posted to you
    5. Select Submit
    6. Review the details and Modify or Confirm
    7. The Bank Guarantee Request Advice page will display. If you're an eligible authoriser, select Authorise to complete. Otherwise, ask the authorisers to go to Functions, Authorisations Required, then Service Requests. They'll need to select the request ID, then enter their details to Authorise.

    Note: Once the bank guarantee request is fully authorised, allow up to 3 days for processing. You'll be contacted by your Relationship Manager or posted the bank guarantee once it's available.

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