What I love about my role as an Analyst is the diversity of work in my day. One day you’re working on an application for a new-to-bank client, the next you will be working on complex transactions that may involve collaborating with Product Specialists and Risk teams across the Business Bank. Look at just one of my days as an Analyst in Business Banking.

I’m usually up by 6am to get my day started (after hitting the snooze button a few times). I kick off my day with running drills and strength training. My goal is to run a marathon by the end of the year (wish me luck!).
Once training is out of the way, I start getting ready for a day in the office. I usually spend two days in the office and three days working from home. I find this gives me the flexibility to achieve what I need to at work, and what I want outside of it.
On the plus side, I live 15 minutes from the office! I hop on the tram that stops right near our business centre in Box Hill, Melbourne.

Before our hybrid team meeting, I check my daily to-do list. A morning routine that helps me have clarity and focus on any high impact tasks.
Team huddle time. As a flexible team, we like to use this time to connect, share updates on client loan applications, and share any learnings on where we can innovate our processes. These meetings live by the motto of ‘a short meeting is a good meeting’, but you’d be surprised at how much we get done in this time.
Time for my first coffee, I head down with my colleagues to our favourite café. Once I’m caffeinated I dig into my to-do list, because I’m in the office I scheduled a couple face-to-face meetings.
My next meeting is with a Relationship Executive to learn more about their new-to-bank customer. This part always excites me, because I get to understand how we can best support our customers to achieve their business goals, and I get to help drive their success. Later this afternoon I will start analysing the customer’s financial statements to prepare their credit application.
Next, I catch up with my manager. We meet on a regular basis to talk about my workflow and help me prioritise or escalate any key tasks. We also use this time to plan for my career goals, and any opportunities coming up that align to my development plan.
It’s time for lunch! I’ve brought in a packed lunch to help me save, but it’s easy to get tempted with the dozens of awesome dining options less than 5 minutes’ walk away.
A few of the other Analysts are in the office today so we’re having lunch together. We like to stay clear of shoptalk, but sometimes we share what we’ve been working on and any challenges that have come up. Our work is diverse, but many of the processes are the same, so if someone knows a way to get a better outcome for our customers, I want learn about it.

I’m full of food and knowledge, time to head back to preparing credit applications. I have my new-to-bank customer to start preparing for, but like many Analysts, we get to work across multiple applications at once. So time management and communication with my Team Manager is key in managing my workflow.
Once I’ve rejigged my priorities, I continue analysing customers’ financial statements, assessing how their income flows through different entities and risk grading their serviceability before putting the application together. I then send this to our document preparation team before it goes back to the customer for review.
Time to stretch my legs and grab a snack. Being in the office, I love that we always have fresh fruit in the kitchen. But there’s always someone walking around handing out chocolates on the floor, I’m not complaining!
I then spend the rest of the afternoon finishing any mandatory training. Our processes are regularly reviewed to ensure we can improve them and create a better experience for our customers; these trainings help us stay across any changes.
After 5PM

It’s home time! I have a little routine to separate myself from the workday, this includes grabbing a tea, and heading for a walk while listening to an audio book.
After dinner, I start preparing for tomorrow by getting my running gear ready, and scheduling those (many), alarms we know will be snoozed.
What could your day look like if you worked at the #1 workplace in Australia?