
In October 2021, the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) commenced civil penalty proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia against CBA and CommSec, alleging contraventions of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Fair Work Act), and of the Group’s 2014 and 2016 enterprise agreements. The proceedings follow an investigation by FWO of the Group’s employee entitlement review (EER). CBA self-disclosed these matters in the EER to the FWO in late 2018.

CBA and CommSec cooperated fully with FWO and entered into a statement of agreed facts and admissions with FWO. Judgment in this matter was delivered in February 2024 with CBA and CommSec fined $10.3m by the Federal Court of Australia (the penalty was paid in March 2024).

 CBA’s broad remediation review of employee entitlements for current and former employees completed in mid-2023.

 More detailed information can be found in our CBA Annual Reports 2019 – 2023, ASX announcements and newsroom articles.