Managing your Commonwealth Bank shareholding

MUFG Corporate Markets (formerly known as Link Market Services) is the share registrar for Commonwealth Bank fully paid ordinary shares (CBA) and hybrid securities.  

You can find their contact details on the Share registry services page.

Please note, Link Market Services (part of Link Group) was acquired by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corporation, a consolidated subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG) on 16 May 2024.

Link Group is now known as MUFG Pension & Market Services. Link Market Services have rebranded to its new name, MUFG Corporate Markets, a division of MUFG Pension & Market Services. 

Log on to the Investor Centre to update your personal details including TFN/ABN, and to change your communications and dividend payment instructions.



Toll-free telephone: +61 1800 022 440

Postal address: MUFG Corporate Markets (AU) Limited
Locked Bag A14 Sydney South NSW 1235

United Kingdom (UK) postal address: MUFG Corporate Markets Central Square, 29 Wellington St, Leeds LS1 4DL

If you choose to post to the UK office, please note inside the envelope that these documents are for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

Please note, Link Market Services (part of Link Group) was acquired by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corporation, a consolidated subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG) on 16 May 2024.

Link Group is now known as MUFG Pension & Market Services. Link Market Services have rebranded to its new name MUFG Corporate Markets, a division of MUFG Pension & Market Services. 

It is important for the Bank to ensure that shareholder communications and dividend / distribution statements are delivered to you at the correct registered address or email address. Keeping your nominated account details up to date is also essential for receiving your dividend / distribution by direct credit.

It is recommended that you update your personal details online through the MUFG Corporate Markets Investor Centre.  Personal details include registered address, ABN/TFN, dividend payment instruction, dividend reinvestment election and communication election.

For security purposes, you may be requested to make any changes by completing the applicable form or writing to MUFG Corporate Markets (AU) Limited at Locked Bag A14, Sydney South, NSW 1235.

You can find this page on the Share registry services page of the Shareholder Centre or the MUFG Corporate Markets Investor Centre.

You can download commonly used forms on the Investor Centre or MUFG Corporate Markets’ website.

If your security holder reference number (SRN) starts with an “I” (Issuer sponsored), there are a number of ways you can update your address:  

  • Online – log on to your shareholding through a secured page either through the Share registry services page on the Shareholder Centre or the Investor Centre
  • Complete a change of address form and return it to the share registry
  • Write to the share registry including your full name, SRN, previous address and current address, signed by all holders and indicate that the change of address relates to Commonwealth Bank shares

Whether you update your address by post or online, you will receive a confirmation from the share registry.

If your shareholding reference starts with an “X” (CHESS sponsored), you should contact your broker to update the address for you.

If your security holder reference number (SRN) starts with an "I" (Issuer sponsored), you can change your name by completing a Name Correction form.  A certified copy of the birth certificate, marriage certificate, passport or name change certificate must accompany the form.

If your security holder reference number (SRN) starts with an "X" (CHESS sponsored), you should contact your broker to make this change for you.

Note: Supporting document must show both names.  Divorce certificate usually does not have maiden name, and therefore will be rejected.

You can find out your current balance, transaction history and dividend payment information through the Share registry services page on the Shareholder centre or by logging on to the Investor Centre.

You can buy or sell your shares on the stock market through a broker or through an online broker. 

If you do not have a broker, the Australian Securities Exchange operates a broker referral service.  Please refer to their website or call them on 131 279.

All sales need to go through a broker who is able to trade on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), as these shares are listed on the ASX.

You will need to contact the broker of your choice, as all brokers charge a different fee for their services. These can be either telephone based or internet-based brokers.  You can find an internet based brokers on the Find a broker page of the ASX website.

You will require your Security holder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN). This can be located on Statements and all personalised forms and would begin with the letter "I" or "X".

If you reside in the United Kingdom, please use this link London Stock Exchange (LSE) to locate a stockbroker who is able to trade on the ASX.

For CBA shareholders in all other jurisdictions you should contact the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) on +61 2 9338 0000 or visit the ASX website for further information.

Yes. However, how you transfer your securities will depend upon your individual circumstances. If you are CHESS Sponsored, you will need to contact your sponsoring broker who will arrange the transfer on your behalf.

If you are Issuer Sponsored and wish to transfer your listed securities - i.e. securities listed on the Australian Securities Exchange - to another person you will need to complete an Off Market Transfer Form and pay the applicable fee. Please contact MUFG Corporate Markets in Sydney on +61 1800 022 440 for further information.

You will need your SRN or HIN to sell your shares. Transfers must be validly completed and signed with identification of the seller, and must meet the Group’s requirements.

MUFG Corporate Markets provide a range of services to assist you with dealing with a deceased estate. For further information, please refer to the Estate Administration page on MUFG Corporate Markets' website. 

Dividend and dividend reinvestment plan

Commonwealth Bank usually pays two dividends each year; interim dividend and final dividend.  The current year's dividend announcement dates, ex-dividend dates, record dates and payment dates are available on the financial calendar page.

Commonwealth Bank pays cash dividends to shareholders with registered addresses in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Payment of dividends by direct credit will ensure that you receive your dividends in a safe, efficient and secure way.  A dividend statement in the form nominated by you (electronic or paper) will be sent to you for your tax records.

For other geographically based shareholders, you can choose to receive your dividend in cash by either direct credit into a bank account in Australia, New Zealand or the United Kingdom; or by setting up an OFX account. Further information on the payment of dividends is available on our Dividend information page.

You may also wish to reinvest your dividend proceeds through the Commonwealth Bank Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP). A copy of the DRP Rules is available on the Dividend Reinvestment Plan page.

Please be reminded that whichever method you have chosen to receive your dividend, it is important to keep your registered address and nominated account details up to date by notifying the share registry.

If you wish to participate in the Commonwealth Bank DRP or update your election - please log in to your holding online or alternatively you can request a form by contacting our share registrar MUFG Corporate Markets.

Historic information about Commonwealth Bank’s declared dividends and DRP prices are available on the Dividend page.

If you wish to change your address, direct credit instructions or DRP intentions or instructions for the next dividend, your notification must be received in writing by the share registrar before 5pm (Sydney/Melbourne time) on the day after the record date (refer to the Financial calendar for the next DRP participation deadline).

If you wish to obtain a copy of a historic dividend statement, please log on through a secured page on the Share registry services page on the Shareholder Centre or on the Investor Centre

For historical dividend information, please contact MUFG Corporate Markets. You may be charged a fee if you request for a replacement statement through MUFG Corporate Markets.

If you find that you have unpresented dividend cheques, please contact our share registrar MUFG Corporate Markets. MUFG Corporate Markets will organise for the original cheque to be stopped and replacement payments made to your nominated account.

Receiving shareholder communications

Receiving your shareholder communications electronically is the best way to stay informed and will assist CBA with its commitment to environmentally sustainable practices.

You have a choice for how certain CBA shareholder communications are sent to you. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to make the switch to paperless communications and provide our share registry, MUFG Corporate Markets, with your email address. You will need your portfolio log in details or your Security holder Reference Number (SRN)/Holder Identification Number (HIN). If you would like to switch to electronic communications, log in to the Investor Centre and from your User Profile (top right corner), select Communication Preferences and then select ALL communications electronically.

You can make an election as to how you would like to be sent certain documents in physical or electronic form, including Annual Reports and documents related to shareholders’ meetings (for example Annual General Meeting (AGM), notices of meeting and proxy/voting forms). The election can either be:

  • a standing election, to be applied to all documents, or a specific type of document; or

  • an ad hoc request for a particular document

Elections can be made by contacting MUFG Corporate Markets by phone on +61 1800 022 440 or by email to You can also make an election that you do not want to be sent a copy of the Annual Report or any document prescribed in the regulations.

You will always be able to access and read our Annual Report or Notice of Meeting when it is published on the CBA Investor Centre and the ASX market announcement platform.

If at any time you require an additional copy of a communication, or you need more information about the options available to you, please contact MUFG Corporate Markets by phone on +61 1800 022 440 or by email to

You can view both current and historic annual reports online.  If you wish to get a hard copy annual report, please contact our share registrar, MUFG Corporate Markets.

Unclaimed dividends

CBA seeks to pay dividends on CBA shares and distributions on other CBA securities. These are paid by direct credit into your nominated bank account, unless you are a participant of the Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

Sometimes our shareholders do not claim the dividends or distributions owed to them. For example, this can happen if our shareholders have not kept their contact and bank account details up to date, if they are unaware of their shareholding, or if a shareholder is deceased and information of their holding is not included as part of their estate.

If dividends and distributions remain unclaimed, we will hold these payments in a non-interest bearing account until a valid bank account has been received by our Share Registry, MUFG Corporate Markets. We will hold unclaimed dividends or distributions for a period of 7 years.

Unclaimed dividends or distributions greater than $500 Australian dollars which are not claimed within 7 years will be remitted to the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC), as required by law.

Claiming unpaid dividends or distributions within 7 years of the payment date

If you do not provide your bank details by the Record Date and you are not a participant in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan, your dividend or distribution will be held on your behalf in a non-interest bearing account. 

Once a valid bank account has been received by our Share Registry, MUFG Corporate Markets, your dividend or distribution will be paid into your nominated account as soon as possible after receipt of your payment instructions. 

All enquiries and requests concerning unpaid dividends or distributions may be directed to MUFG Corporate Markets. You can contact MUFG Corporate Markets by email or phone. 


Claiming dividends or distributions for amounts over $500 and more than 7 years after the payment date

To check whether any historical dividends or other distributions are held with ASIC,  use the MoneySmart unclaimed money search.

If you have located your details on ASIC's unclaimed money search, you will need to note the following information to lodge your claim with Link:

  • the Original Transaction Number (OTN)
  • the amount (as stated on ASIC’s website)
  • your last known address
  • confirmation that the amount relates to dividends or distributions paid by CBA.

To lodge your claim, please email MUFG Corporate Markets along with proof of identification and evidence of your right to the funds.

For unpaid dividends or distributions within 7 years of the payment date

Once your nominated bank account has been successfully recorded with Link, outstanding amounts will be paid as soon as possible into your nominated bank account. This is normally within three weeks.

For unpaid dividends or distributions claimed from ASIC

Once your identity has been confirmed and we have verified your claim, and a valid bank account has been supplied to us, ASIC will transfer funds to CBA every four to six weeks, representing the total value of valid claims within the period. Once received from ASIC, we will pay the outstanding amount to your nominated bank account.

To check or update your bank details, please log in to the MUFG Corporate Markets Investor Centre or contact MUFG Corporate Markets by email or phone. 

Commonwealth Bank information

The Commonwealth Bank was founded under the Commonwealth Bank Act in 1911 and commenced operations in 1912, empowered to conduct both savings and general banking business. Find out more about our history.

The Group was a Government owned enterprise until the conversion of the Bank into a public company with share capital on 17 April 1991.  The Commonwealth Bank was privatised in three stages:

  • In July / August 1991 an offer of newly issued shares in the Bank was made to the public.  230 million shares, comprising 30% of its voting shares, were issued on 12 September 1991 at an issue price of $5.40.
  • In October 1993, the Commonwealth Government further reduced its shareholding in the Bank to 50.4% of the total number of issued voting shares. 178 million shares were listed on 1 November 1993, at an issue price of $9.35 for retail investors and $9.60 for institutional investors.
  • In July 1996, the Commonwealth Government made a public offer of its remaining 50.4% shareholding in the Bank.  In conjunction with this offer, the Bank agreed to buy back 100 million shares from the Commonwealth Government.  The buyback price was $10.01 per share, with the Bank paying the Commonwealth Government just over $1 billion.  The public offer and buyback were completed on 22 July 1996.  The Government’s public offer was for 399 million shares.  Investors paid $6, with the remaining instalment of $4.45 being due on 14 November 1997.  Investors were entitled to the three dividends payable in the intervening period.