Which home insurance is right for you?

Home and contents insurance

Home and Contents Insurance

for homeowners

Combined cover for your building and the contents inside such as appliances, furniture and electricals.

Cover for:

  • Alternative accommodation costs if your home becomes unliveable due to an insured event
  • Your pet if it’s injured by an insured event
  • Damage caused by emergency services and more

Get up to 15% off combined Building and Contents Cover1

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Building Insurance

Building Insurance

For homeowners

Insure your building against loss or damage caused by events such as fire, storm, flood and more.2

Additional benefits such as:

  • Alternative accommodation costs if your home becomes unliveable due to an insured event
  • Emergency work and temporary repairs
  • Mortgage discharge and more

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Contents Insurance

Contents Insurance

For homeowners

Insure the contents that make your house a home against loss or damage caused by an insured event.

Cover for:

  • Electricals, appliances, furniture, jewellery and more
  • Your contents in transit when you’re moving to a new address within Australia
  • Your pet if it’s injured by an insured event

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Renters Insurance

Renters Insurance

For renters

Contents insurance that provides protection against loss or damage to your items in the home you rent. 

Cover for: 

  • Electricals, appliances, furniture, jewellery and more
  • Your contents in transit when you’re moving to a new address within Australia
  • Visitor’s property if it’s stolen or damaged by an insured event

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Landlord Insurance

Landlord Insurance

For landlords and investors

Get cover against loss or damage to your investment property and contents items you provide for your tenant’s use.  

Cover for:

  • Loss of rent if your tenant can no longer live at your property due to an insured event
  • Emergency work and temporary repairs 
  • Mortgage discharge


Get up to 10% off when you combine Building and Contents Cover1

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Portable Contents Cover

Portable Contents Cover

Insure everyday portable items you take with you when you’re out and about like sunglasses, watches, engagement rings and surfboards.

Get cover for your items:

  • Anywhere and anytime in Australia and New Zealand
  • Anywhere else in the world for the first 30 days of travel

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Who can apply?

  • Home Insurance is to provide cover for your property located in Australia. You must be at least 15 years of age (unless by exception), or the policy can cover home or contents owned by trustees or a company. All policies are subject to Underwriting criteria.

Home insurance explained

Home insurance explained

Make a claim

  • You will receive instant confirmation when you lodge a claim online in the My Claims Portal (accessible through NetBank or the CommBank app).

    The Claims team will contact you to advise the next steps for your claim.

    Alternatively, call 13 1361 or +61 2 8527 5217 if you’re overseas.

    You can also update your bank details for claims payments and provide documentation via the My Claims Portal.

    How to make a claim

Tools & customer support

  • Do you have enough cover?

    Use the Building and Contents insurance calculators to help estimate how much you should insure for – it could be more than you think.

    Building insurance calculator

    Contents insurance calculator

  • Documents & forms

    Find a list of important documents and forms for your home insurance policy.

  • View or update your current policy

    You can view your existing Home Insurance policy details within the Accounts list in NetBank or the CommBank app. (CommBank customers only)

    If you’d like to make changes to your policy such as updating your payment details or excess, call 13 2423 8am - 8pm, Mon - Fri and 8am - 5pm Sat (Sydney/Melbourne time), or +61 2 9633 9391 from overseas.

    Home Insurance is provided and issued by Hollard and distributed by CBA. More info on managing your Home Insurance policy.


  • Family Violence Support

    CommBank Support

    If you're a CommBank customer experiencing a domestic or family violence situation, or experiencing financial hardship, support is available and can be accessed here:

    Hollard Family Violence Policy

    Home Insurance is provided and issued by Hollard and distributed by CBA

    Hollard is committed to supporting you if you are affected by family violence, support can be accessed here:

  • Translation services

    If you need an interpreter or translator you can ask for one. Alternatively, you can call the Translating  and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450, let them know your preferred language, and ask them to call 13 24 23.

    The Home Insurance and Car Insurance webpages can be viewed in other languages by using the link below:

    How to view in a different language

  • National Relay Service

    The National Relay Service may assist anyone who is deaf or has a hearing or speech impairment

    • TTY/Voice: 133 677
    • SSR: 1300 555 727
  • Supporting customers experiencing financial hardship or difficult circumstances

    Hollard is committed to helping and offering additional support when you need it.

    If you are experiencing financial hardship please contact 13 24 23 to talk about your situation. The team will work with you to provide support.

    If you qualify for financial hardship support, the team will work with you to implement an arrangement that could include any one or more of the following:

    • delaying the date on which the payment must be made;
    • paying in instalments;
    • paying a reduced amount;
    • delaying one or more instalment payments for an agreed period;
    • deducting the excess from the claim amount paid to you.

    As the team work with you, they will place any recovery on hold.

    Additional community support

    For access to free and confidential advice from professional financial counsellors, call the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007, or visit their website ndh.org.au.

    You can access further information by using the link below:

Home insurance savings and prevention tips

Reduce your home insurance premium

Save costs while protecting the things that matter most to you.

Read these tips

Maintain your home

Keeping your home in good condition can help prevent damage and unexpected costs.

Explore the guide

Secure your home

Planning a trip? Prepare your home before you go.

Read home security info

Things you should know

  • 1 If you purchase combined Residential Building and Contents Cover, a discount of up to 15% will be applied to your basic premium. If you purchase combined Investment Building and Contents Cover, a discount of up to 10% will be applied to your basic premium.

    This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount (other than those listed in the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or any Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement) or in conjunction with any other promotional offer, unless advised in the promotional offer that this discount will apply. This discount may be removed or changed effective from the renewal date. This discount cannot be backdated. Minimum premiums may come into force and reduce the extent to which discounts are applied.

    No discounts apply to Portable Contents Cover when taken as a standalone policy.

    2 Cover for damage caused by storm, bushfire or flood is excluded for the first 48 hours of the policy (exceptions apply). Claim limits and other exclusions apply.

    3 Gap Cover does not apply to Portable Contents Cover, Items with a maximum claim limit and Legal Liability.

    Home Insurance is provided and issued by Hollard Insurance Partners Limited ABN 96 067 524 216, AFSL 235030 (Hollard) and distributed by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124, AFSL 234945 (CBA). Cover and benefits are subject to eligibility criteria and terms and conditions, including the limits and exclusions of the insurance policy - See PDS. Hollard is not part of the CBA Group. CBA and its related entities do not sell, issue or guarantee the obligations or performance of Hollard or the products Hollard offers and this insurance product does not represent a deposit with or liability of either CBA or any of its related bodies corporate. If you purchase a Home Insurance policy, CBA is paid a commission which is a percentage of your premium.

    For products issued by Hollard, information about the target market can be found within the product’s Target Market Determination available here.

    This information has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs.  You should, before acting on this, consider the appropriateness of the product to your circumstances. A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is available at all Commonwealth Bank branches, by downloading them from commbank.com.au or by calling 13 2423 and should be considered before making any decisions about this product. You should also read the Premium, Excess and Discount Guide (PEDG), Key Facts Sheets (KFS), and Financial Services Guide (FSG) by clicking on the links, or by calling 13 2423 for a paper copy.

    Hollard is a signatory to the General Insurance Code of Practice. The Code Governance Committee is the independent body that monitors and enforces insurers’ compliance with the General Insurance Code of Practice. Their purpose is to drive better Code compliance, helping the insurance industry to improve its service to consumers.

    For more information on the code visit www.codeofpractice.com.au